Mar. 14, 2016
Audrey Jensen
[email protected]
You have a bachelor’s degree, traveling experience and are passionate about your subject of interest.
Now you go into the work world with your degree to learn that not everyone who is successful has a degree and not every employer cares about what you learned while you were in school.
Many successful businesspeople have made it to the top without any higher education. Three to five years feels like a long time to get a degree, and it isn’t always easy.
But just because you go to one or a few different universities and possibly leave with a couple of degrees does not mean you’re better or smarter than everyone.
My brother attended UCCS for two years, fell to academic probation and dropped out of school. A lot of one-time bachelor’s students think less of my brother or students in similar situations.
Although he needed time to transition from a college dropout to an employee, he applied himself to a field of work that he loves and has exceled far past many other students with bachelor degrees.
Everyone is knowledgeable in their own field of study, whether it was obtained through a university, at an organization or from a couple of library books.
According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in December 2015, found on, 89 percent of American adults believe that a secure job is necessary to be in the middle class, 86 percent believe the ability to save money is necessary and only 30 percent believe that a college education is necessary.
Your education is not so prestigious that no one is capable of finding the required textbooks for your class and learning exactly what you know. We’re just paying a lot more for that knowledge.
If there’s anything I’ve learned while in college (aside from communication basics), it’s that there is still a lot I don’t know and will never know.
It would be nice to believe that just because I’ve been in college for four years, I know more than everyone. But everyone takes a different path in life, and just because yours is different than someone else doesn’t make it better.
A senior in my introduction to American politics class got in a heated discussion with the teacher about her personal beliefs.
Snickers and comments from our classmates surfaced, and the student made the defensive statement that she believes she is smarter than everyone in the class because she has world experience and isn’t a freshman.
Laughter rang out after this heinous statement as she rode her high horse out the door and never returned to class because no one could take her seriously.
It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 50 years old walking on campus for the first time, or 23 or 64 walking on campus for the last time.
Everyone has a set of knowledge and skills that you don’t have.