‘Here’ should have been a play
2 out of 5 stars As a big fan of Forrest Gump (who in their right mind isn’t?), I was very excited to see the reunion of director Robert ZemeckisRead more >
2 out of 5 stars As a big fan of Forrest Gump (who in their right mind isn’t?), I was very excited to see the reunion of director Robert ZemeckisRead more >
On Tuesday, Nov. 5, absolutely nothing newsworthy occurred. Scribe News Editor Tori Smith spent the day trying to find something to report but was relieved to find that everything wasRead more >
New UCCS police chief Diana Cooley combines 17 years of law enforcement experience with a passion for forming relationships with students. On Oct. 1, Cooley replaced previous police chief DewayneRead more >
Voting on ballot measures can be overwhelming. The language can be confusing, and the effect of the measure may be hard to comprehend. There are 14 state and three municipalRead more >
4.5 out of 5 stars As one of the Scribe’s resident film majors, you can imagine my excitement when our lovely Features editor unlocked my News shackles and offered meRead more >
The University of Colorado Board of Regent seat for El Paso County’s District 5 will appear on the ballot for the upcoming Nov. 5 election. Running for the seat isRead more >
A series of vehicle break-ins and thefts on campus have prompted UCCS Police to urge students to take steps to protect their vehicles. On Oct. 22, University Police Operations sentRead more >
With Election Day approaching on Nov. 5, The Scribe went out to get the scoop on how students feel about voting and what decisions they’re making on the big day. Read more >
SGA created two ad hoc committees and confirmed a student to the senator of sustainability position at the Oct. 10 SGA meeting. The temporary committees aim to carry on aRead more >
At the State of the Campus on Sept. 27, Chancellor Sennifer Jobanet announced the creation of a new office on campus: the Office of Stainability. “I’m super excited to announceRead more >
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