Red One succeeds where most modern Christmas movies fail: originality
3.5 out of 5 stars. Going into “Red One,” I assumed that it would be terribly cheesy and nothing more than another stereotypical Christmas movie with one nice guy andRead more >
3.5 out of 5 stars. Going into “Red One,” I assumed that it would be terribly cheesy and nothing more than another stereotypical Christmas movie with one nice guy andRead more >
UCCS Veterans and Military Affairs is hosting their third annual Veteran’s Week food drive in order to provide UCCS students with goods in time for Thanksgiving. Food can be droppedRead more >
Nov. 5 has us all on edge as we anxiously await the future of our nation. Election Day is a very tense and emotionally draining Hell that comes every fourRead more >
According to Associate Professor and Special Education Coordinator Scott Kupferman, “disability history is around us, wherever we are.” Kupferman presented on the importance of examining disability history at the DisabilityRead more >
I don’t believe there is a single person out there who actually likes the taste of candy corn. There is no way that someone’s favorite Halloween candy, out of allRead more >
Midterm season is an incredibly stressful time for all students, and it feels like we’re one discussion board post away from severe burnout. When I feel stuck in my stressfulRead more >
“I’m surprised you are graduating so young. That’s impressive, considering that, you know, you’re so sick.” As I’ve come to terms with being disabled, I’ve learned that people think myRead more >
I love watching horror movies, especially around Halloween, but sometimes I don’t want an edge-of-my-seat thriller that keeps me terrified for two hours. That’s when I turn to campy horror:Read more >
I am tired of being harassed by outside organizations that come into the free speech space on campus. Our campus claims to “support the right of the campus community toRead more >
Despite receiving its name in 2018 after the passing of its longtime curator, the Jon C. Pigage Natural History Museum and Wildlife Laboratory has been a part of the UCCSRead more >
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