Note: This is an archived page. Bri graduated from UCCS in May 2022.

Brianna Beassie – Weil is the Copy Editor and a reporter for The Scribe. Brianna is a senior studying English with an emphasis on Secondary Education. After she graduates in May 2022, Brianna intends on teaching English Language Arts in a middle or high school here in Colorado Springs. Eventually, she plans on returning to UCCS to pursue her Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction: Literacy. 

Brianna also works for the Office of Inclusive Services at UCCS as a student mentor, and she loves every opportunity that she has been given through the OIS. Her favorite part of her job as a student mentor is getting to know and support the students every semester! Additionally, Brianna serves as the President of UCCS Club Equestrian and the Secretary for the Reisher Scholars Club. 

In her spare time Brianna loves to read and write creative fiction, especially in the fantasy, horror, and fanfiction genres. Feel free to check out some of her stories on and Quotev at Film, television, theatre, music, and ancient history/folklore are also very important passions in Brianna’s life.  In fact, she jokingly prides herself on her extensive knowledge of pop culture trivia and historical mythology. Above all, however, Brianna loves to spend time with her family, friends, cats, and parakeets whenever she has the opportunity to.  

“Well behaved women seldom make history” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Brianna is on Instagram @ladystark2000