Campus closures over Thanksgiving break

Students who are planning on staying on campus over Thanksgiving break should pay attention to the modified hours of university facilities.

Operating hours are changing slightly at several locations, with a handful of places closing over the three-day break.

Campus housing will remain open; however, the front desk at each of the residence halls will be closed Thanksgiving Day.

The Kraemer Family Library will be closed Wednesday to Friday, Nov. 23-25, and research assistance will be closed from Wednesday to Saturday. The bookstore will also be closed Wednesday to Friday.

The Gallogly Recreation Center will close early, 6 p.m. Wednesday. The center will be closed Thanksgiving Day and will reopen Friday.

Dining services will remain open throughout the break with standard operating hours. The only exception to this is The Lodge, which will be closed Thursday and Friday.

There are no classes Nov. 23-25 and offices will be closed.

Operations at all locations will be back to normal starting Sunday, Nov. 27.

Image caption: Scribe file photo.