Campus Rec hosts trio of intramural leagues and tournaments in October

1 October 2019

Derek Lee

[email protected]

The Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center is hosting three tournaments and three leagues in October, since UCCS offers consistent opportunities to be involved in intramural events on campus.

The tournament selection includes doubles table tennis, mini golf and cornhole, while the league options will include 3-on-3 basketball, 5-on-5 floor hockey and 6-on-6 volleyball. Registration for tournaments and leagues have a $7 per player fee, but students can buy a $15 sports pass to participate in any number of intramural events in a semester.

Players in league sports are also required to sign an online waiver and pass an intramural player and sport quiz, both available through the Recreation and Wellness Center’s website.

Registration for the leagues opens on Oct. 7, and tournament registration closes at 4 p.m. on the day of for the miningolf tournament and closes at 5 p.m. on the day of for the other two tournaments.

David Fehring, associate director of Campus Recreation, said via email that the mini golf tournament may have additional fees at the event location that has yet to be determined for the Oct. 11 tournament.

Floor hockey and volleyball leagues are open to anyone, while basketball will be split into men’s, women’s, and co-recreational. All league sports will play at the Recreation and Wellness Center.

“Last year, over 2,240 students participated in 37 intramural sports leagues and events,” said Fehring. “Intramural sports continue to utilize student and participant feedback to improve and create new opportunities for students each year.”

According to Fehring, the reason Campus Recreation offers intramural sports is to give students a way to be active and make friends.

For more information, call the sports desk at the Recreation and Wellness Center at 719-255-7599 or email them at [email protected].