Discount Days offers students deals at local restaurants

April 3, 2018

Quinita Thomas

[email protected]

    Many commuter students have expressed the challenge of engaging in on-campus activities. To provide more options for getting involved, the Office of Student Activities created Discount Days.

    Discount Days occurs once a month. Through the event, commuter students can take advantage of on- and off-campus activities.

    On April 12, this month’s Discount Days offers students several discounts in local restaurants, including Over Easy, Blue Mountain Creamery, Il Vicino Wood Oven Pizza, Salsa Brava and more. Students can show their student ID’s to receive discounts that include 20 percent off a drink with an entrée.

    “Going out to eat was a good way to start this event, said Michael Green, commuter and nontraditional student coordinator. “But the goal was to promote economic growth.”

     Green and Stephen Cucchiarra, director of student activities and community service for SLL, oversee the program. Last month, Green and Cucchiarra explained that 50 students visited Over Easy and between 10 and 20 students ate at Salsa Brava.

    “Small businesses have to fight to get their names out there. With Discount Days, it’s beneficial on both ends. Students can eat affordably, and help local businesses,” said Cuchiarra.

    “A lot of commuter students say it’s not easy for them to return to participate in events on campus,” said Green. “Discount day makes it easier for students who live closer to downtown to participate.”

    Other commuter-oriented events include Commuter Week, which according to Cucchiara, who started it in 2013.

    “We wanted more programs that focused solely on commuter students,” he said. “Commuter Week only happens every year in November. Discount Days was another way to get commuter or nontraditional students more involved.”

    Green was also a commuter student at UCCS and a full-time employee. He found that trying to attend campus events didn’t work well with his schedule. He decided to create the commuter students portal to better assist and support off-campus students.   

    “I would see a few events here and there, but with my schedule it was difficult,” said Green. “When I got this position, I wanted to help students out because I knew what it was like. I want to be involved but I don’t have the time or the means to do so.”

    For more information on Discount Days, contact [email protected].