Freebie Fridays offer students chance to get involved on campus

October 17, 2017

Rachel Librach

[email protected]

    Sometimes the Office of Student Activities has extra merchandise left over from their events.

    To avoid waste and involve commuter students on campus, OSA hosts Freebie Fridays once a month to offer leftover merchandise to students for free.

     Mike Green, commuter student coordinator for OSA, explains that Freebie Fridays was created to help commuter students feel like they have a quiet place on campus to study and learn more about OSA events they can get involved in.

    “We were trying to get more of a variety of students to come into our office, and since commuter students often have odd hours and classes on Friday, we decided to put something on for them,” he says.

    In 2016, 84 percent students at UCCS were commuters, according to U.S. News.

    “This is a great chance for these students who don’t normally get the chance to attend our events to be able to come in and get to know our department.”

    Often times, there are T-shirts and bumper stickers left over from other on-campus events that are offered during Freebie Fridays.

    Some upcoming merchandise from OSA events include fidget spinners and Homecoming shirts. Green says that if there are any left over, students can find them at the next Freebie Friday.

    While the last Freebie Friday attracted 31 students, Green also organizes other commuter events such as Commuter Hot Dogs which typically attracts between 90 and 150 students.

    Green explained that Commuter Week is another great opportunity coming up for commuter students to get involved on campus. He hopes to work out some deals with local restaurants along the Mountain Metro Transit bus route to provide students with discounts during this event.

    Freebie Friday is normally hosted once a month from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the OSA office, which is located in UC 104.