International Education Week to raise awareness of cultures and studying abroad

November 15, 2016

Audrey Jensen

[email protected]

     In its fourth year at UCCS, International Education Week will serve to raise awareness of scholarships, cultures and studying abroad for students, staff and faculty on campus.

     From Nov. 14-18, the Global Engagement Office and the Global Intercultural Research Center are taking part in a nationwide, state-sponsored week of events with days of various activities to inform and educate the UCCS community on different cultures and opportunities available to them.

     Several of the events include a Parade of Nations with a Chinese Dragon Dance to follow, Language Tables, a showing of a film and discussion held for students and faculty.

     A lot of schools take part in International Education Week because of a national sponsorship, according to Mandy Hansen, director of Global Engagement. The Language Table, sponsored by the Languages and Social Science Center, will be set up to provide introductions to language and cultures from different regions.

     “The activities we have are really for the campus community; they’re everything from touches to introductions to cultures,” Hansen said.

     This is the second year that UCCS’ International Education Week will include a Parade of Nations, which will include international students and is one of the events Hansen is most looking forward to.

     “I think this week is representative of what international education can mean. It’s language, opportunities to do research abroad, opportunities to go study abroad,” she said.

     “It’s a combination of what international education means; it’s really vast, from international incoming students to UCCS students studying abroad, to faculty doing research abroad and bringing that back to the classroom…It’s a broad brushstroke of what international educations means.”

     Hansen hopes the variety of days and times the events happen this week will allow students, staff and faculty to attend at least one of the activities hosted by the UCCS offices participating.