Welcome to the Scribe’s new astrology column! This is my first semester here at the Scribe. A lot of my past journalistic experience involved astrology, which is part of the reason why I am even working here now.
I have been interested in astrology for a long time, and I am still learning about it. At this point I don’t fully believe in everything that horoscopes say, but I think there’s an impact from the stars. Just like how the moon moves the waves, how could other large celestial objects not impact Earth?
For this article and future horoscopes my resources include Astrodienst, a website with dedicated astrologers who have much experience on this topic, and the following books: Parkers’ Astrology: The Definitive Guide to Using Astrology in Every Aspect of Your Life by Julia and Derek Parker, and The Secret Language of Astrology by Roy Gillett.
I base my writing on where the celestial objects, such as planets and constellations, are in the sky relative to each other. Each zodiac sign and planet carry a symbolic meaning so when they move in the sky it the symbolism can be reflected on Earth.
The stars and planets have been studied since ancient humans roamed the Earth. This history really drives my interest in the study of astrology. It is my pleasure to introduce this otherworldly column to UCCS.
Coming back to school after spring break may have felt hectic, it has for me! This is likely due to an Aries season full of celestial change, including Mercury in retrograde on April 2, and a solar eclipse on April 8. Things should become more down to earth as Taurus season begins when the Sun changes signs on April 20.
When a planet enters retrograde, it begins to rotate backwards. Mercury’s retrograde can be a bit difficult for us at the Scribe, as Mercury rules communication, learning, traveling and media. As Mercury is in the sign of Aries, meaning the planet is under the Aries constellation in the sky, it may cause impulsive conversations.
This Mercury in retrograde suggests you think about big decisions before signing a deal. Keep this in mind before you jump to conclusions like the headstrong ram of Aries and wait until the end of retrograde on April 25.
The April 8 solar eclipse encourages a pause to meditate on decisions. The new moon will cross in front of the Sun, cascading a shadow across Earth. This combined with the Aries energy will be bringing attention to previously overlooked judgements. As a new moon signifies new beginnings each month, the eclipse reminds us to stay observant.
On April 12, Aries Sun and Mercury conjunct, meaning they become very close in the sky under the same sign which amplifies their significance. Any confusion from the past few weeks should be better understood. The sun will bring reassurance to mercury’s communications. It will be a great time for students to review notes and study to better understand subjects.
A once-every-14-years celestial event happens when Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus on April 21. Uranus rules the inventive aspects that can surprise even yourself, while Jupiter offers new opportunities and the ability to overcome problems. Together, they will bring new innovative opportunities to the collective.
Funnily enough, it is just in time for the end of UCCS weekend classes. With graduation right around the corner, students should take advantage of this to pressure them into achieving their goals.
Uranus in Taurus changes the way the world works, beginning a time of invention. Jupiter in Taurus can bring ideals to expand opportunities, particularly in business and justice. It will be an interesting time of the year to see new advancements in the world.
Photo from iStock.