Meteorology Club, in partnership with the geography department, invites interested students to learn or expand their knowledge of meteorology through the lens of physical geography.
Meteorology club was founded last semester after a geography trip to Silverton sparked student interest. Meeting every three weeks, members bond over pizza and their interests in physical geography and weather patterns on a local and national level. The club hosts both undergrads and graduate students as members.
Junior geography major and physics minor Frank Vazzano was inspired after the trip and decided to help form the club as vice president.
“We just want to tap into interests for weather and climate and hydrology and natural land features,” Vazzano said.
During meetings, members bring in guest speakers and watch documentaries, opening discussions about the impacts of local Meteorology. While meteorology isn’t offered as a degree path at UCCS, the club can offer a new study avenue for interested students.
“Not everyone is interested in weather and climate, I understand that. But I think that Colorado and UCCS has a lot of people that are interested in the nature of Colorado,” Vazzano said. “People who are interested in hiking or skiing or any outdoor activities, I think, would benefit [from] taking part in the club.”
Club president Ashlyn Morrison, a graduate student studying applied geography, wants to emphasize a similar stance for students interested in meteorology.
“We’re just trying to give an outlet to students who are interested in meteorology…so it can be anywhere from a hobby level to academic level or marriage of both,” Morrison said.
After a slow start in the spring trying to get their bearings, the main item on the club’s fall agenda is to get more members, no matter their experience or interest level.
“We’re really trying to expand our numbers because… either a lot of people don’t know about [the club] or there’s just a student life flux where it’s not a super huge thing on this campus,” Morrison said. “We started it last spring kind of on a whim, so this is like I think our first semester where we know what we’re doing.”
Discussions examine meteorological formations in Colorado, featuring speakers like Paul Steward from the National Weather Service to discuss local El Nino patterns. The club also examines worldwide weather patterns, according to Morrison.
“We try to gear it towards local interests, local weather. But of course, we look at a bunch of things like tornados and hurricanes, things that don’t necessarily happen on a flux scale,” Morrison said.
Meteorology club is hoping to invite more people into the organization, while maintaining their commitment to having thorough discussions about how weather patterns affect the climate on a local, national and international level.
Those interested in joining Meteorology club can email [email protected] or go to their MLC page.
Meteorology Club listens to a presentation from NWS Pueblo. Photo by Lillian Davis.