Proposed bill looks to add senator of Innovation position to SGA

Feb. 29, 2016

Halle Thornton
[email protected]

A new senator of Innovation position could come to the Student Government Association.

Justin Hein, president of the Entrepreneurship Club, proposed the bill that would add the position at the SGA meeting on Feb. 4.

Hein said he wanted to propose the bill because the innovation program at UCCS is growing. There are around 390 students who are Bachelor of Innovation majors, Terrance Boult, professor of computer science, said in the Feb. 15 issue of the Scribe.

Zach Woolweaver, SGA president, explained that the bill was written and proposed to provide more representation to the growing group of innovation students. But the position would have a key difference, because there is no college of innovation.

“The position, if created, would be tricky because the college of innovation isn’t a college in the true sense of the word like the College of Engineering or Business,” Woolweaver said.

Erik Nudson, senator of Business, sponsored the bill.

“This type of legislation does have to jump through more hoops to be passed considering that it does make changes to governing documents and has to be considered by (the chancellor),” he said.

Nudson added the senator would stay informed and active with innovation-related activities on campus.

“This senator fosters the interest of innovation on campus in the same way that the senator of Sustainability fosters sustainability,” said Nudson.

The bill is in the middle of the approval process.

“Right now, the proposed bill is at the legal office to make sure it adheres to the laws and policies of the university, but once it gets back, SGA will put it to vote within senate,” said Woolweaver.

If the bill is legally acceptable, it will be split into two parts.

“One of the new bills would add it to our bylaws, which would require a normal majority vote, and then the second would be to add it to the constitution, which would require at least a three-fourths vote. Then it would have to be approved by the chancellor,” said Woolweaver.

If the bill passes, the position will be open next fall.

The responsibilities of the senator would be two required office hours, participation in SGA and a university committee, required attendance in senate meetings and voting on any issues presented.

The senator would represent students pursuing a BI emphasis, regardless of their individual degree focus.

Woolweaver said the senator position would meet with the department head just as the other senators meet with their respective deans once a month.

“Other than that, they would have all of the normal privileges and responsibilities that any other senators have,” said Woolweaver.