Reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton, who to consider for other offices

October 31, 2016

Mary Claire Rizzardi

[email protected]

Since I was little, I’ve always regarded voting with the utmost respect.

And the person who stood out to me the most, impressed me with her armor of steel and never stopped fighting for every American was Hillary Clinton.

As a woman who has been involved in politics since 1965, she has been under the public lens most of her adult life.

But Clinton’s resilience is not the only reason I admire her.

She believes in fair and equal opportunities for every American. She knows foreign policy and is willing to evolve her opinions and beliefs with the progress of public opinion.

She is the most experienced candidate we’ve ever had for president of the U.S.

No, Clinton is not perfect, but I do not want my president to be perfect. I want a humble president, who is willing to admit when they are wrong. I want them to acknowledge their mistakes and learn from them. I believe Clinton does all of these.

Clinton’s experience is also a plus. It astounds me to hear people say that career politicians have had their turn.

Yes, they have, because that’s what they’re good at and have learned as a career. You wouldn’t say that career surgeons had their turn and then proceed to let an inexperienced surgeon give you an appendectomy would you?

So why is the most important office in the free world any different?

While the presidency is vital, congressional and local offices are just as important. The House of Representatives and the Senate are especially important, because as the founding fathers intended, the Legislative Branch is the most powerful branch of the federal government.

Because of the dire importance of Congress, I endorse two candidates who I believe exhibit the progressive essence of the great state of Colorado.

For the Senate, Michael Bennet made it his mission to represent Colorado in Washington, D.C. in a way that benefits every Coloradan.

For House of Representatives, Misty Plowright brings to the table a set of progressive ideals, as well as military experience.

On the ballot this November are several key measures, but I will highlight two of them.

First, Amendment 69 is an initiative to provide statewide health insurance. Though this sounds beneficial, it is my belief and the belief of many Democratic leaders that this insurance should come from the federal level through the Affordable Care Act.

You should vote no for this measure.

Amendment 70 raises the Colorado minimum wage to $12 an hour by 2020. Voters should vote in favor of this, because if minimum wage stays stagnant, people across Colorado will run into even harder times.

The current minimum wage of $8.31 is not a living wage, and if it stays, people will be even harder pressed to afford basic necessities.

Ideally, the minimum wage would be reassessed annually based on cost of living and adjusted accordingly.

Americans and Coloradans deserve to be given equal opportunities. They do not deserve to be limited by demographic or socioeconomic status.

To me, that is the American dream.