Remember the best deal at UCCS – Find some time to see a play

Feb. 15, 2016

Scribe Staff
[email protected]

Right now, you are probably missing out on one of the best continuous deals UCCS has to offer its students.

You can go to any student or professional play for free. Always.

Student plays are expanding as organizations such as Parterre Stage gain traction.

For the 2015-16 season of Theatreworks (its 50th year, by the way), that has meant plays such as “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” “Private Lives,” “Ghosts” and “Born Yesterday.”

At this time, that means the play “Satchmo at the Waldorf,” which runs until March 6.

But guess what, folks.

This play was originally a Broadway show. It has toured in three places in the United States. New York and Los Angeles are two of them. The other is Colorado Springs.

That’s crazy awesome.

As UCCS students, we are offered opportunities that we would not have otherwise. Use of the Rec Center is free for us, and we can attend Student Life and Leadership events with speakers that most people will only ever see on TV.

Those things are obvious. The fact that you can go and see a Broadway play just down the hill for free somehow seems to escape the notice of the general UCCS population.

Going to a play is something that seems like a good idea, but excuses such as work or school usually seem to come up, and the event is dismissed as it takes too much work.

But, once you do go to a play, the experience becomes a memory that is treasured.

There is something magical, personal and immersive when attending a live play. The colors are more vibrant, the interest is deeper and the lives of the characters become injected into yours.

There is a sense of community, especially in seeing a student-run play, as you watch your peers transform into someone else.

They work out of love for the theater. They seek to entertain you. They want to explore ideas through the medium of becoming someone else. And on some levels, they are exploring themselves.

Remember the positives that can come from seeing a play, especially those of the caliber that we have access to as UCCS students. And, whenever possible, try to make some time to get out and take it all in.