Staff Picks: Favorite comfort movies

It’s that time of year again. The semester is almost at an end, snow is falling outside and you’ll finally get the chance to cozy up with your fluffy socks and watch your favorite movies.

The Scribe staff share their favorite comfort movies, from nostalgic, old classics to meaningful, new favorites.

Annika Schmidt | Editor-in-Chief

“Frances Ha” (2012). My comfort film reminds me that change is beautiful, there is a place for everyone and it’s OK to feel unestablished as a 20-something.

Julia Jackson | Managing Editor

“How to Train Your Dragon.” The soundtrack punches me right in the heart, and the wholesome bond between misfit teen and magical creature reminds me that there is good in the world.

Abby Aldinger | Opinion and LOTB Editor

It’s a tie between “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” “Pride and Prejudice” and “From Up on Poppy Hill.”

Paul Czarnecki | Sports Editor

“When Harry Met Sally” (1989).

Lexi Petri | Photo Editor

“High School Musical,” you can never watch it too many times.

Ellie Myers | Digital Editor

Old movies are my favorite comfort movies, and one of my top picks is “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”

Kate Marlett | Copy Editor

“You’ve Got Mail” (1998). The technology might be outdated, but it’s got that cute bookstore romance that never fails to warm my heart.

Raven Sanchez | Reporter

I have a lot of different comfort movies depending on what mood I’m in. I find comfort in so many comedy movies like “Bridesmaids” or “Napoleon Dynamite.” If I want to watch a comfort musical, it’s probably going to be “West Side Story.” Really, I have comfort movies in many different genres. It’s just hard to choose one.

Luke Swift | Reporter

My favorite comfort movie would have to be “Lost in Translation!” I love that movie with all my heart and I can especially enjoy it when I’ve got nothing to do and it’s cold outside. The soft visuals and honest acting make for a great comfort movie that always brings a smile to my face. If you haven’t watched it… watch it now.

Mike Foley | Artist

That’s a tough one, probably “Fantastic Mr. Fox.”