Mar. 7, 2016
Rachel Librach
[email protected]
College can present people from all stages of life with opportunities they might not experience in the working world.
Film studies senior and 34-year-old Ari Bach has the opportunity to write, direct and produce “Jealous Gods,” a student-made film in production this semester.
The on-campus project incorporates students and spotlights the work of Bach.
The film takes place at a college when three college boys have their wishes granted and chaos ensues. “Jealous Gods” is a comedy that appeals to those who enjoyed films like “Animal House,” “Dr. Strangelove” and “The Graduate,” according to Bach.
“Jealous Gods” started out as pleasure, but was easily converted to an academic pursuit when Bach decided to do it for his senior capstone.
“It’s also been a tremendously educational experience for not only myself but everyone involved,” Bach said.
“Making the film is really a group effort, you can write a book on your own, but once you want to make a movie, you need a lot of help, and I can’t overstate how helpful everyone’s been.”
The film was funded by a College of Letters, Arts and Sciences grant and support from an Indiegogo campaign started by Bach.
The theater program directors also helped Bach set up a casting call for students and send emails through VAPA. Most of the lead actors are theater students, but Bach said students joined the production from all over campus.
Film professor Robert von Dassanowsky said he was impressed with the professionalism of Bach’s filmmaking.
“It’s a satire, which is always difficult to write or film, but the script is wonderful. (Bach) learned from some of the great filmmakers and is portraying how power corrupts and sociological dilemma of what people will do for power and how they lose their humanity,” said von Dassanowsky.
The emphasis of the film should be the students’ involvement on campus, according to Dassanowsky.
“I think the emphasis needs to be that it is a campus project. (Bach) is very adept at translating that nice community feeling and letting that come out and flourish. I think once it’s done the campus will be proud of it,” Dassanowsky said.
Bach attended a film school from 2000-03. He worked in Los Angeles and Boulder, attempting to create his own movie. With little luck in these cities, Bach enrolled at UCCS.
He said UCCS opened doors for him and introduced him to many motivated individuals who were also passionate about making movies.
“Once I started attending UCCS, the possibility of actually producing the film became much larger,” said Bach.
“The professors here are phenomenal, very encouraging, and the people here, both faculty and students, are truly amazing.”
Bach hopes to have the film completed by this summer.