Life on the Bluffs: Feb. 20
Sweet and Salty Tweets “YESSSSSS MY FIRST CLASS SINCE I’VE BEEN AT UCCS THAT’S BEEN CANCELLED” @sam_shofner “I stood next to @miari_nagasu once at UCCS and that’s probably where myRead more >
Sweet and Salty Tweets “YESSSSSS MY FIRST CLASS SINCE I’VE BEEN AT UCCS THAT’S BEEN CANCELLED” @sam_shofner “I stood next to @miari_nagasu once at UCCS and that’s probably where myRead more >
May 2, 2016 Courtesy of “Prairie Dog Stacking: The Top Tens, A Collection of Fancy,” a book published by former Scribe editor Eric Beteille 10. Top 10 Things That MenRead more >
April 18, 2016 Halle Thornton [email protected] 10. On top of Clyde 9. The “Happy Trail” behind campus 8. The Roaring Fork kitchen 7. The Rec Center pool 6. With theRead more >
April 4, 2016 Eleanor Sturt [email protected] 10. Underwater basket weaving 9. Intro to parking 8. How to open a brewery/coffee shop/dispensary 7. Intro to cooking: Microwave meals 6. Journalism 5.Read more >
Mar. 28, 2016 Halle Thornton [email protected] 10. Change your roommate’s clocks from a.m. to p.m. 9. Turn your professor’s office into a ball pit 8. Put your friend’s number onRead more >
Mar. 14, 2016 Taylor Garcia [email protected] 10. SpongeBob vs. Patrick 9. Cyclops vs. Daredevil 8. Mystique vs. Wonder Woman 7. Rogue vs. Green Lantern 6. The Thing vs. The HulkRead more >
Mar. 7, 2016 Alexander Nedd [email protected] 10. Go undercover as your car to gain parking space trust 9. Call-ahead parking 8. Park on top of cars to save space 7.Read more >
Feb. 15, 2016 Halle Thornton [email protected] 10. Buying a life-size teddy bear from Costco 9. McDonald’s 8. Drunk texting your ex 7. Watching sappy movies just to cry 6. TinderRead more >
Feb. 8, 2016 Alexander Nedd [email protected] 10. Do you want fries with that? 9. Excuse me, you look a lot like my next date 8. Hit me up on MyspaceRead more >
Feb. 1, 2016 Kyle Guthrie [email protected] 1. Hugh Jackman 2. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver 3. Kristen Stewart 4. Capybara 5. Sonic the Hedgehog 6. Splinter the Rat 7. Bill MurrayRead more >
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