The future is calling on this Aquarius new moon

     Hello? Yeah, I have the future on the line, and it wants a chat with you about your destiny. On Jan. 31, at 10:46 p.m., we have our second new moon of 2022 — this one taking place in future-focused air sign Aquarius. And unlike other new moons, which often bring about opportunities for today, the 2022 Aquarius new moon is urging you to make serious and solid plans for tomorrow — and the day after that and the day after that… 

     If you haven’t figured it out yet, Aquarius is all about progress and advancement. And new moons are the best days in astrology to set new goals for personal/professional/relationship growth. So, you can see how the 2022 Aquarius new moon is a fantastic day to focus on (and set meaningful intentions for) your future hopes, wishes and dreams.   

     Saturn is in close contact with this new moon, which means career endeavors are favored. (Why? Because Saturn is all about that career life.) Plus, the planet puts an extra emphasis on discipline, realism and your security needs. It’ll be a hell of a lot easier to get serious about your wants both in the present and the long term.  

     Just don’t expect anything to happen right away. 

     Though new moons often bring about new opportunities, slow-moving Saturn makes us work for our wants, rewarding us with achievements only when we put forth serious effort (which takes time). Plus, with Mercury still retrograde in Capricorn, the results of your new moon intentions will be delayed because Mercury rx does that.  

     Of course, how all of this planetary action will impact you depends entirely on your Sun and Rising sign (and where 12° Aquarius is in your chart). So, without further ado: 

Your 2022 Aquarius New Moon horoscope 

Aries ♈ 

     An opportunity to work with friends or collaborate on a peer project presents itself, and you have no choice but to say yes (especially if it’s an assignment). Oddly enough, the exercise in teamwork helps you to solidify your long-term hopes and dreams. Working hard to accomplish group goals reminds you of your personal goals…   

Taurus ♉ 

     Tell me, where do you see yourself in five years? (I mean, besides reading my amazing horoscopes.) If you don’t have the answer to that question, the new moon may prompt you to think more critically about it. Don’t fret too much. A major career opportunity (like, say, a promotion) could be on the way…  

Gemini ♊ 

     Got big goals for your life? If these goals have anything to do with writing, publishing or travel, you’re in luck: The new moon makes it easier to dream up a plan for attainment. If your goals are different from the ones listed above, then I don’t know what to tell you…  

Cancer ♋ 

     Cryptocurrency is all the rage RN, and you might feel compelled to follow the trend and start investing. (I hear grimacecoin is thing.) Another financially-unrelated alternative: You and your boo may decide to take things to the next level — do the horizontal mambo, move in together, etc. Either way, expect to do some bargaining and merging…  

Leo ♌ 

     Buddy up with a partner — romantic, business or both — and see what you two can dream and achieve together. You’re more productive with a sidekick — especially if they’re your bf/gf — because they give more than take. If, however, you don’t yet have a co-conspirator, don’t be surprised if one seems to fall out of the sky here soon…  

Virgo ♍ 

     Disrupt your day-to-day routine and do something different. (And no, that doesn’t mean using 0.7 lead in your mechanical pencil, ya nerd.) The new moon helps you see what you need to shake up, btw. So, keep those eyes peeled and remember: any changes you make will help you become healthier and more productive…  

Libra ♎ 

     Love (or lust) on the brain? If single, you’ll reopen your still-undeleted Tinder profile and search for a hottie. If taken (or dating), you’ll live it up with your partner and unexpectedly set the intention for endless fun together. Ongoing creative projects — paintings, businesses, etc. — may also be of interest, but not as much as romance…  

Scorpio ♏ 

     Opportunities to either work from home, move away from home, or renovate your home may be in the offing. Or maybe you just dream about such things. Another possibility: Your psychic hunches heighten and you have a vision of your future self living in a Barbie dream home or something similar. Hey, it could happen…  

Sagittarius ♐ 

     Sorority life is calling your name (or frat life, if you’re into that). Really, you’re looking to connect with some sisterly or brotherly types and learn the ways of the world. The new moon could make this comradely dream a reality. Just don’t let the sister/brotherhood haze you. That’s where you draw the line…  

Capricorn ♑ 

     Complacence is the enemy of growth. Which is why you should shirk the smugness and focus on building your brand sans ego. But how? Take honest stock of what you’ve already got — innate skills, purchased and prized possessions, etc. — and figure out your areas of weakness. Then, set the intention to turn those weaknesses into strengths…   

Aquarius ♒ 

     Excitement and energy are back! And it’s all thanks to the vivifying promise of new beginnings. That’s right, it’s time to hit the refresh button on your ambitions, aims and goals for yourself and your life. So, what do you want to accomplish this year? Whatever it is, you’ve got the universe on your side…  

Pisces ♓ 

    Fantasies are swimming in your mind on this new moon, but you probably won’t act on them since you’re super sleepy. Still, your psychic powers are sharp AF.  like a fortune teller, you sense and see an elusive future where all your hopes have come true. Jot down these daydreams in your journal so you don’t forget them…