Voices of UCCS: How students make friends

Ellie Myers 

[email protected] 

     Students are settling into their classes for the semester and clubs are starting to kick off, which means it’s time to start reaching out to others in order to create community. A few students share some of their tips and tricks for making friends this year:  

Caden Brock (he/him/his), freshman digital filmmaking major 

Caden Brock. Photo by Ellie Myers.

What are some clubs or activities that have helped you make friends on campus? 

     I’m looking into joining the e-sports league/club. I’ve met a few people online and the president in person and have gotten along very well.  

What are some strategies you use to make friends? 

     Words, words, words! Just speak up. I commonly walk up to someone and ask an interesting question, and if they return with interest, I keep the conversation going. I made a recent friend by overhearing he wants to write movie scripts. I asked him about it, told him I’m also going to film, and we started talking on our way out of class.  

How does making friends improve your college experience? 

     It overall has made me happier and prompted me to get out of my dorm. I am an introvert and having friends gets me out and makes me more outgoing. 

What do you like to do with your friends? 

     My roommates have now become my friends and we often play video games, or go out to eat, or go watch movies or go to parties together.  

Has anything been different or difficult about making friends this year? 

     It has been difficult making friends. The only friends I made before college were my coworkers or my already implemented schoolmates. But once I moved into the college, I found it easier to meet people.   

Rita Chambers (she/her/hers), sophomore nursing major 

Rita Chambers. Photo by Ellie Myers.

What are some clubs or activities that have helped you make friends on campus? 

     I joined Dungeons and Dragons Club last year, and class activities have helped me find people with similar interests. 

What are some strategies you use to make friends? 

     You need to be in the same place regularly, especially a place that you have interest in. It’s the easiest way to find like-minded people. 

How does making friends improve your college experience? 

     It gives you social experience, which every human needs, as well as people you can be outside of class with. 

What do you like to do with your friends? 

     I like to play tabletop roleplaying games, lay in a pile and complain about what’s going on in my life, or talk about things I find interesting. 

Has anything been different or difficult about making friends this year? 

     Actually, making friends has been much easier this year as opposed to last year, since there’s a lot more in person connection. 

Janelle Sasaki (she/her/hers), junior nursing major 

Janelle Sasaki. Photo by Ellie Myers.

What are some clubs or activities that have helped you make friends on campus? 

     Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ)! Cru is the only club I’m a part of as of now, and I’ve been able to meet a lot of great people from Cru, and it was something that I really needed, because I didn’t know many people. 

What are some strategies you use to make friends? 

     I’ve never actually thought of this question before! I think just trying to join as many organizations or clubs as possible, and just engaging with other people and getting to know them on a personal level outside of campus as well as in class. Try to engage as much as possible. 

How does making friends improve your college experience? 

     Making friends makes a huge difference in college! To have that support group is really important, especially after this year. Being alone for quite a while … it’s important to build those friendships. Just to be out and talking to people makes so much difference. 

What do you like to do with your friends? 

     Mostly we just go out to eat. I like to play sports, so I like to be active, go to the gym and watch movies.  

Has anything been different or difficult about making friends this year? 

     I would say no, but I do think the masks play a big role. Not being able to see people’s faces. I like to see people’s faces — I like to see people smile! So, I think maybe that plays a role, but it hasn’t been super difficult for me to make friends.