Double Edge Theatre teaches acting students to fly
Nov. 15, 2010 Brock Kilgore [email protected] Double Edge Theatre’s three-week residency at UCCS will culminate in the debut of “The Chagall Tales” at the Dusty Loo Bon Vivant Theatre inRead more >
Nov. 15, 2010 Brock Kilgore [email protected] Double Edge Theatre’s three-week residency at UCCS will culminate in the debut of “The Chagall Tales” at the Dusty Loo Bon Vivant Theatre inRead more >
Nov. 1, 2010 Amy Koumis So you’re taking sixteen credits and working thirty hours a week. Exercise is an afterthought at best, something that happens between babysitting your sister’s kidsRead more >
Oct. 11, 2010 Cory Mensing From motion sensor technology to banana collecting adventures, the gamer community has a lot to be excited for this fall. With PlayStation’s Move, Microsoft’s KinectRead more >
Oct. 11, 2010 J.P. Niehaus, Avalon Manly On Saturday, Oct. 16, Colorado Spring’s own Edifice will be playing a free show at Clyde’s to release their new record, “Arc Mentis.”Read more >
Sept. 27, 2010 Jessica Lynch For generations, we have held true to our American values. We have looked alcoholism in its ruddy face, and we have scoffed. We have turnedRead more >
Sept. 14, 2010 Brock Kilgore Perhaps Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Lindsay-Abaire has a foot fetish, or maybe pickled feet just make a really good prop. Regardless, feet, and what theyRead more >
April 26, 2010 Byron Graham Let’s begin with the controversy,shall we? The new Lionsgate tentpolerelease “Kick-Ass” contains several sequences wherein a gun-slinging 11-year-old girl wearing a Robin mask and aRead more >
April 12, 2010 Byron Graham I was dreading this experience, having read the condemning reviews from other pundits and minding my knee-jerk suspicion of superfluous remakes, yet I was pleasantlyRead more >
March 15, 2010 Avalon Manly If you feel the urge to cross state lines, Taos is a great Spring Break destination. Cultural experiences abound in food, music and entertainment; lodgingsRead more >
Feb. 15, 2010 Jessica Vaughan Group fitness classes are an excellent way to get motivated and to keep in shape during the semester. For current students, a membership for theRead more >
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