9 things to do when you’re bored in quarantine!

April 7, 2020

Go for a run!

It may sound tedious, but our health and wellness is very important, and what better way than to exercise! Running is the perfect way to maintain social distancing without needing a gym and can be done just about anywhere.

Do a puzzle or two… or three!

If you are anything like me, puzzles can keep you busy for hours. So far this quarantine, I have completed two 750 piece puzzles, one 1000 piece puzzle, and one 2000 piece puzzle. It can also be very calming and work your brain after several hours of mind-numbing television.

Netflix, of course!

Just about every person has already figured this secret out. Netflix can entertain you while simultaneously eating up hours of your life. You can also flip it on while doing a puzzle.

Hulu? If Netflix isn’t your jam.

“Friends” may not be on Netflix anymore, however, “Seinfeld” is equally as amazing and fun, and fully available on Hulu. Maybe it can satisfy that “Friends” sized hole inside of you for the time being.

Get ahead on your homework!

Have you been dreading those semester essays? Well, you have all this extra time. Maybe waste a whole day cracking out an entire essay. Might as well do it now instead of stressing later!

If you are close to rock bottom, CLEAN EVERYTHING!

Cleaning isn’t necessarily the most fun activity, but it can definitely waste time. Plus, deep cleaning isn’t such a bad idea during this, our time of the coronavirus.

Join Tik Tok… Maybe.

Don’t’ worry, I have not become THIS bored yet. However, with every waking day, I am slowly creeping towards the mystery of Tik Tok and why it has become such a famous cultural phenomenon. Celebrities are starting to do it, we might as well hop on the bandwagon.

Hit the backyard or front porch for some much-needed sun!

Start working on that summer tan. Get some vitamin D. The sun is great, and helps with mental health!

Rearrange and redecorate!

It’s time! That couch has been sitting in that same spot of your living room for far too long. Move it. And those pictures on that wall, maybe they will look much better on the other wall. Be careful if you lay your eyes on a bucket of paint though!