An introduction: Audrey Jensen to be next Scribe editor-in-chief

May 9, 2016

Audrey Jensen
[email protected]

Everything you do, no matter how insignificant you believe it may be, will always affect someone or something.

And sometimes, you’ll never have the privilege to know who it impacted.

The Scribe, this paper and everyone I’ve collaborated with to publish a newspaper every week for the past two years certainly had an effect on me, and I hope to continue that trend as the publication’s next editor-in-chief.

But this is no one-man band.

With me, there is a team of students that work far past their limits because they want to invest their busy lives in the school they paid to attend for four or more years.

Being a part of The Scribe is unlike any organization on campus.

No, we don’t plan large-scale events for the university or offer tutoring for students struggling with math.

We’re students and we care about what other students care about. Our goal is to keep our readers up to date and aware of issues they should care about as members of UCCS.

There’s no guarantee that everyone will always agree with what we choose to report and write on, but I hope that students will learn why published writing and media matters.

College students take writing for granted. We don’t realize the power that words can carry or that writing is a form of art; it is an opportunity for us to put our thoughts and feelings on display.

Stories are better portrayed on paper than they are by word-of-mouth.

There’s something far more authentic in writing than there is in talking; we don’t realize how much it affects our lives.

We trust writers, whether it’s the author of your science textbook or a book full of existentialist ideas, we base what we know off of what we read.

Newspapers have that power, too. Once these articles go to print, these words are permanent.

I hear at least once a week that newspapers are dying and that I should be pursuing a job elsewhere.

But after being inspired by the people who have worked here and by journalists who have made changes with words they piece together on a paper, I can’t see myself working anywhere else.

When the first articles I was proud to write were published, it was like meeting a person and feeling as if I have known everything about them my entire life.

Seeing the response and reaction to articles and photos published in our paper, and hearing the impact that newspapers have globally, has only made me eager for the first meeting with our staff in the fall.

I have high expectations for our paper next year, and while I know that we’re not always going to be perfect and we’re learning, I am confident in the people who are willing to put it together. Without this team, there is no paper. There is no exclusive coverage of UCCS.

Maybe I will never see the impact from the time I’ve been at The Scribe or at UCCS, but I know the people we have on staff have the potential to affect other students and that will impact the future of UCCS in ways other organizations and clubs cannot.