Austin Chasse | The Scribe
Rachel Librach
[email protected]
As the student population rises, more students are using transportation provided to them on campus.
There is a bus route for Lot 576 and Centennial, two circulatory bus routes driving east or west bound, a bus route to The Lodges and one to Advenir at The Village.
According to Jim Spice, executive director for Parking and Transportation Services, in the past year 650,000 students have been counted using the buses on campus, compared to 25,000 students in 2002 when the buses first began at UCCS.
“We think that because of the expansion of campus, the growth of the student population, and the recent restrictions on parking off campus, more students than ever have taken advantage of the buses,” he said.
Students riding the bus reported that mostly everyone keeps to themselves.
“There really hasn’t been any incidents on my bus that I’m aware of. I think that has to do with how students are pretty conscientious of each other’s space and respectful of one another,” said Madison Hutchins, junior English major.
Sophomore nursing major Sharheya Coleman often rides the bus during the morning and afternoon.
“Everyone is pretty polite, I mean they say sorry if they bump into somebody or ask if they could sit next to someone or keep the seat next to them clear if the bus looks to be crowded,” said Coleman.
“We’ve never gotten complaints or reports from the drivers about student behavior or inappropriate conduct,” said Spice.
Austin Chasse | The Scribe
“This confused many students at the beginning of the year, but after we color coordinated the routes, students seem to be adjusting well to the change,” said Rehkopf.
Spice added that students have remarked how open and friendly the bus drivers can be.
“One of our old drivers used to buy donuts with his own money for the students on his bus,” said Spice.
Isaiah Martinez said everything has been good after having taken the bus for a while.
“The drivers are really nice and super respectful. They tell you to have a good day as you get off,” said Martinez, sophomore mechanical engineering major.
“I take the bus for The Lodge, and Tim, one of the drivers, he’s the bomb. All the drivers are really great people and are nice to talk to,” said Bailey Wilde, sophomore computer science major.
Rehkopf said he remembers what it was like to try and find a parking space on campus when he was a student.
“By the time I found a space in the third lot I would have to walk pretty far just to get back to campus. The bus eliminates that hassle, it’s free, and once you form a routine around it, it’s just one less thing you have to worry about,” said Rehkopf.
Sophomore Taylor Gross prefers to take the bus than buy a parking pass.
“I take the bus every day mainly because it’s a lot cheaper than buying a parking pass on campus and it saves time trying to find a spot,” said Gross, elementary education major.
Spice thinks the number of busses on the routes helps everything go smoother.
“(Students) can enjoy the experience because they would just have to wait a few minutes before another bus arrives,” said Spice.