Corrections and Clarifications

May 2, 2016

In the April 18 issue of the Scribe, we ran an article titled “Seeds Community Café brings Guest Chef Series to UCCS.” It was incorrectly stated that the event was created and sponsored by Seeds and the Office of Sustainability when it was in fact sponsored by Dining and Hospitality Services.

In addition, it is not the case that UCCS and Seeds have worked together to cater events over the last three years and that UCCS greenhouse food is sent to Seeds.

In the April 25 issue of The Scribe, we ran an article titled “Options for reporting sexual assault on campus.” After the story ran, the Office of Institutional Equity reached out to express additions they felt would be helpful to students.

Below is a statement from Julia Paris, Title IX coordinator for UCCS.

“UCCS has several options for students, staff and faculty to report sexual assault. Anyone who would like to talk about a matter confidentially can contact the Wellness Center, at 719-255-4444.

If you are a mandatory reporter, CU policy requires you to report any information about possible sexual assault or other sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator, Julia Paris (719-255-4324, [email protected]).

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for handling investigations and informal resolutions, and can provide services and resources for students who have experienced sexual assault or other types of misconduct.

The Title IX Coordinator can provide assistance (including help with on-campus housing, classes, etc.) even if an assault or other misconduct occurred off campus.

Title IX investigations are separate from criminal investigations, but the Title IX Coordinator can and does work with police in some cases. There is no statute of limitations for reporting a matter to the Title IX Coordinator.

For more information on resources for the UCCS community, please visit”