August 29, 2017
Rachel Librach
Part of the excitement of a new semester means new and recurring events that seek to inform, serve and help students. Here are a few to look out for in the next two weeks:
Fall 2017 Student Employment Job Fair
On- and off-campus employers will be accessible to students to answer questions about their job openings. Students can apply at the fair and check their eligibility for work study. Students should also bring copies of their resumes and dress professionally.
The Job Fair will take place Aug. 29 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Berger Hall. Contact student employment counselor Janice Zollinger at 255-3425 with any questions.
LGBT Community Mixer
The MOSAIC Office welcomes all students to this event, which will share ways to promote and celebrate the LGBT community at UCCS. This is an opportunity to meet, talk and share stories with individuals within the LGBT community and MOSAIC Office.
The LGBTQ+ Community Mixer will be held on Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. in UC 110. For more information, contact Jesse Perez, LGBT program director, at 255-3447.
Fall Club Fair
UCCS has over 190 clubs and organizations on campus that range from club sports to Greek life to casual video-gaming. The fair is an opportunity for students to explore their interests, meet like-minded individuals and make connections with their fellow peers.
The Club Fair will take place on Aug. 30 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the West Lawn. For more information, contact [email protected] or Krystal Schiffelbein, coordinator of Student Clubs, Organizations and Leadership Programming, at 255-3096.
Fall 2017 Service Fair
Students who are interested in volunteer opportunities will have the chance to meet community service partners and learn about new, local service projects. Service partners include Bonfils Blood Center, Habitat for Humanity and Care and Share. The theme of this fair is recycling.
At this event, students can help the UCCS Office of Sustainability craft a cardboard castle as well as learn more about ways our campus is looking to partner with off campus groups and introduce several recycling projects to the plaza.
The Service Fair will take place Aug. 31 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at El Pomar Plaza.
Contact [email protected] for more details.
Listen Up! MOSAIC Discussion Group
MOSAIC will host Listen Up!, an open, identity-conscious discussion group. The group will give students the opportunity to voice their opinions on various social or cultural topics. These topics include, but are not limited to, race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religion.
This event is held weekly on Thursdays from noon to 1 p.m. in UC 110. For more information contact the MOSAIC Office at [email protected].