New senators confirmed at latest SGA meeting 

On Sept. 14, SGA confirmed three new senators at the senate meeting, who filled the positions of senator at-large, senator of the arts and senator of graduate students.  

Hayley Crist was confirmed as a senator-at-large. She plans to use the skills she’s learned as a social work major to help benefit the student body. 

Crist wants to expand services for students by increasing funding for free clinics, Clyde’s Closet and free mental health services.  

She also looks forward to making UCCS a more inclusive and connected place. “College is where you are supposed to find your future bridesmaids and groomsmen,” Crist said. 

Micah Vacco was confirmed as the senator of the arts. They plan to expand access to free mental health services on campus because they believe students cannot focus on school if their basic needs are not being met.  

Vacco mentioned that they would love to see the Wellness Center provide more than eight therapy sessions a semester. They plan to help provide the center with more resources to meet the high demand for these services. 

Vacco also wants to expand upon the previous programming, events and ideas from their predecessor and find ways to better connect commuter students to the arts on campus.  

Bridgette Guererro was confirmed as the senator of graduate students. She wants to help graduate students to connect and get more involved on campus, and she wants to help make SGA stronger. 

Guererro has developed strong roots in student government and public service through her educational career. Guererro is also the founder of her own non-profit, One World Quest, an organization composed of volunteers that develop educational training programs for kids, teens and adults. 

In other news: 

  • SGA passed the Snack Bill which will fund snacks for SGA meetings. This $1,308 bill will allocate $50/week to provide food and drinks at meetings and in the office for anyone who stops in.  
  • SGA passed the Homecoming Bonfire Bill, approving $1,696.33 to be allocated towards the event. This cost will cover fire pit rental, propane tanks, heaters, lemonade, hot chocolate and, a new addition this year, smores. 
  • Stephen Cucchiara, the director of student engagement shared that there was a 31% increase in student attendance at Clyde’s Kickoff Week this year and a 21% increase in attendance at DisOrientation Week events. 

The Clyde statue, located outside of the Kreamer Family Library. Photo by Megan Moen.