Sept. 1, 2014
Scribe Staff
[email protected]
Names are important. They are part of how we distinguish ourselves from one another. You need to remember them, want others to remember yours and write names on countless pieces of paper.
But names change.
We’ve seen a lot of changes on campus since a year ago. The campus has a new parking garage, new dorm buildings, new parking lots and a new academic building. And each have their own unique name.
There are also plenty of new faculty and staff that have joined our community. With a population of over 11,000 students, there are bound to be new things happening all over the campus. We’re here to help you with all of the newness and excitement that may come.
For example, if you take a glance to your right, you will notice a lot of new names on The Scribe staff. Only two of those names are in the same position as three months ago. Five of them are new entirely.
Maybe you are a new name here. That makes you no different from everyone else at some point; no different from the folks on The Scribe that are going through the same things you are.
If you’re new here, or even if you’re not, here’s a reminder of what The Scribe is already: We are a resource of students, by students, for students. At our most basic, we are a news organization.
We present that news in a voice you know: that of the student. We understand students, because we are students. We are a source of student employment.
Are you seeing a theme?
But here’s the key thing for both The Scribe and you as a new name. Looking behind will never get you to move forward. Here is what we’d like to become: We’d like to be where you go first to find out about UCCS.
We’d like to be known for fair, respected reporting.
We’d like to be known throughout the city as a place for information, not just as “the school paper.” We’d like to be where you go to find the new and old names that are making positive change at UCCS. And, if need be, we want to be the place for you to see the negatives that affect students.
We are here to report the news, be it positive or negative. Our staff is involved in what we want our name in. We encourage you to do the same. Get involved in what you want your name in, what you feel passionate about.
We’d like you to know about us. And we’d love to get to know you.