Notable alumni | Joe Griebel: Professor partnership leads to a sleeping hat

May 11, 2015
50 Year Issue

Alexander Nedd
[email protected]

Finding employment after graduation is daunting, so if a professor offers you a job within your field of study it might be wise to accept it.

Joe Griebel, a 2011 and 2013 UCCS alumnus, graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and attained his master’s degree. Griebel now works for Mind Rocket Design.

Impressed by his work and skill ethic, Griebel was given the chance to work with Michael Larson, an aerospace and mechanical engineering professor at UCCS, and has helped develop technological gear.

The fruit of their partnership was featured on FOX 21 News. Griebel and Larson’s product is called the “Sleep Shepherd.” The device is a sleeping hat that monitors your brain waves and uses a biofeedback looping sound to put you to sleep, according to FOX 21 News.

Early success has dictated Griebel’s goals for the near future.

“Our next project is a head massager,” Griebel said. “[You] strap it on, press go and you don’t need hands. It’s called the Vibe Band.”

Outside of creating technology, Griebel enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, snowboarding and kayaking.

Griebel offered tips for students who might follow in his footsteps.

“Take advantage of every opportunity you get,” he said. “Never underestimate opportunities, keep as many positive relationships in your life as possible.”

“You never know when your grad school advisor will help you start a company and offer you a job.”