Sept. 21, 2015
Evan Musick
[email protected]
While the amount of UCCS students grows, the number of non-resident students is increasing as well. With this draw of out-of-state students, the composition of the campus changes.
According to the 2015 census, 1,378 student’s tuition residency were listed as non-resident. This is an increase of 520 students since 2011’s 851 non-residents.
“In 1965, we were a commuter school, offered courses from Boulder,” said Homer Wesley, vice chancellor for Student Success and Enrollment Management. “But it’s grown into a campus of its own in the past 15 years or so, and it’s taken quite a different perspective. And out of state students are a part of that.”
Wesley said UCCS does extensive marketing, especially to the west.
“There are more students coming out of California and Texas than any other state,” he said.
Chris Beiswanger, director of Admissions Counseling and Student Recruitment, said in an email “We specifically target California and Texas, and employ two admissions representatives (one in each state) to work with prospective students and their families.”
Beiswanger also explained that recruiting efforts have been historically successful in Illinois, Wisconsin, Arizona and Hawaii.
Overall, UCCS’ student population has representation from all regions of the U.S. and about 46 countries said Wesley.
He added that UCCS attempts to recruit students who are “a good fit” by taking into account a student’s academic record from high school along with their test scores to see if they would do well on campus.
Beiswanger also said the campus itself is a factor.
“Our setting and modern campus – with new facilities and residence halls, it’s a very attractive place to spend 4 years,” he said.
Additionally, certain colleges within UCCS, such as nursing and business, are also appealing.
“Engineering is certainly very attractive. It’s mentioned in U.S. News and World Report as one of the top undergraduate engineering programs in the nation, so that’s a draw,” Wesley said.
The experience for out-of-state freshmen, who often cannot go home on long weekends like Labor Day, is also unique.
Barbara Gaddis, executive director of First Year Experience, said in an email that a barbeque was hosted at Wesley’s house. The students were then taken to picnics, rafting and a trip to hot springs.
All of this happened at little cost to the students.
“We had them do a deposit of $25 I think but just to make sure they were committed. Homer paid for everything,” said Gaddis.
UCCS not only attracts students in the U.S., but internationally as well.
According to the 2015 census, there are 282 students at UCCS with a temporary visa. 99 students are from Saudi Arabia, 46 from India and 34 from Brazil.
UCCS has an International Student Recruitment Office and Global Engagement Office to support outreach to other countries.
Out-of-State Student Enrollment:
2011: 851
2015: 1,378
International Student Enrollment:
2015: 282
*data courtesy the 2015 UCCS census