AJ Bailey II is running for senator at large.
What is your year and major?
I am currently a Junior at UCCS studying political science. I currently have my associates degree in political science.
Have you previously held office in SGA and if so, what was your previous position?
No, this is my first year running for office however, I have been participating in SGA meetings.
Why are you running for this position?
I would like to be elected to the board so that I can be an advocate for my fellow students.
Why do you think you’re fit for this position?
The reason I am fit for Senator at-Large is because I have previous experience in student government. I was student body President and SkillsUSA President at my high school of Destinations Career Academy of Colorado. I am also currently a member of the UCCS College Democrats and UCCS College Democrats Treasurer.
What are your goals for this position?
My goal as Senator at-Large is to bring the government reaching out to the students rather than the students reaching out to the government. I believe this could significantly help UCCS students that feel ignored and isolated. This would be a great benefit for both SGA and UCCS students.
Any final comment for the UCCS community or thoughts on the election?
I encourage everyone to participate in the UCCS SGA elections and also by selecting someone who will represent them and make sure their voices are being heard.
Aidan Meadows is running for senator at large.
What is your year and major?
I am a junior studying political science and psychology double major on an accelerated track for a master’s in public administration!
Have you previously held office in SGA and if so, what was your previous position?
Yes! This past year I was the Student Body President.
Why are you running for this position?
I am running for this position to simply get back into the Senate! I miss the atmosphere and flexibility that comes with a general Senator position and am excited to have the ability to pursue different projects at my own pass that can directly help students.
Why do you think you’re fit for this position?
I think my experience as both the Speaker of the Senate and the Student Body President in previous years has made me a perfect fit for this position. I have a lot of experience within SGA that will allow for a smoother transition which will ultimately help me help students right away once the academic year starts.
What are your goals for this position?
I hope to better serve the students through direct and personal grassroots efforts. Though I won’t be as tied in with administration as I previously was this change will help me shift my focus from advocating for students to administration to directly helping and impacting student experience at UCCS.
Any final comment for the UCCS community or thoughts on the election?
As everyone knows this ongoing pandemic has presented endless challenges for students. SGA is here to facilitate a positive and impactful student experience for all students. It is so important to vote in this election and elect the people you believe are best suited to create that positive impact for you! Vote!
Tapasya Patel is running for senator at large.
What is your year and major?
My major is biology, and I am a junior.
Have you previously held office in SGA and if so, what was your previous position?
This is my first time running for SGA.
Why are you running for this position?
I am running for Senator-at-large position. I am running for this position because I think this is a great platform to find a way to make a difference and get involved in projects and initiatives. Moreover, I think this is a great way to engage with students and learn more about leadership from the other SGA candidates.
Why do you think you’re fit for this position?
I think I am fit for this position because of my leadership skill and multicultural background helps me understand people better and helps me become a more empathetic person. Being an approachable and empathetic person is important as a leader representing a community. These qualities help me communicate well and helps work with a team in an effective manner. Moreover, this role will help me grow and become a better leader.
What are your goals for this position?
My goal with this position is to try get students more engaged in a safe manner. I would also like to advocate mental health amongst students during the time of pandemic. I want to find ways to connect with students and talk to them about mental health. Most importantly hear them out and help out in the best way possible.
Any final comment for the UCCS community or thoughts on the election?
My final comment is that I am very excited to work with SGA and grow as a leader for the UCCS community in the best way possible. I wish every candidate good luck for the election and let them know that they got this!
Taylor Silbernagel is running for senator at large.
What is your year and major?
Freshman, Majoring in Sport Management & Marketing, with a Minor in Sports Communication.
Have your previously held office in SGA and if so, what was your previous position?
I was elected in September of 2020 and have been serving as Senator at Large for the 2020-2021 school year!
Why are you running for this position?
I am a people person in all sense of the term. Working alongside other motivated students and conversing with professionals at UCCS interest me both equally, and serving as a Senator-at-Large this year has provided me a glimpse into how positive that experience with SGA can be. I am choosing to reapply to run for the 2021-2022 school year because now that I feel I am finally getting a grasp of all the intricacies of the Senate I can confidently help evoke change in the future. Although I have only been in the Senate for half a year I have already learned so much from all the individuals that make up what SGA is. Everyone has their own backgrounds and ideals. Seeing us all come together to represent the student body effectively and passionately is something I want to continue being a part of.
Why do you think you are fit for this position?
Besides serving as a Senator-at-Large for the majority of my freshman year here at UCCS, there are many other past experiences I have that help me bring a lot to the table in the Senate and Student Government as a whole. Within my Senator-at-Large position, I served on the Budget Advisory Committee where we allocated funds to various campus clubs and I also served on the Library Advisory Committee where I played a role in helping administrators decide amongst candidates for the new dean of the Kramer Family Library. In addition to serving as the Senator-at-Large, I am also an active student in the Sport Management Activities Council (SMAC), a group of students who works to plan events for the Sport Management program and build connections with industry professionals. At UCCS I also serve as a member of the LIVE Leadership program on campus and Clyde’s Guide/Student Ambassador in the Office of Admissions. Additionally, during high school, I served as the elected representative of my Senior class at Corvallis High School with several responsibilities. Rather than focus on planning the perfect senior prom or making sure the football theme was on par, I took it upon myself to focus on larger issues that weren’t being recognized by the administration at my high school. Topics like racism not being addressed in literature classes, compost bins being thrown to the side by custodians, and overpowering staff that took it upon themselves to control students. Each of these experiences, whether they be my senior year of high school or first semester at UCCS, has taught me valuable skills such as time management, resiliency, and passion for advocating for others in my community, whomever that community may consist of.
What are your goals for this position?
My goals as I continue my position as Senator at Large is to continue building valuable relationships with individuals in the UCCS community, address issues that arise on campus in a passionate manner and use my voice to challenge others within SGA with new ideas.
Any final comment for the UCCS community or thoughts on the election?
I am super excited to be running in the 2021 SGA election! If you see me rushing around campus feel free to stop and say hi. I would love to chat with any UCCS students and faculty more.
James Rich is running for senator of military affairs.
What is your year and major?
International business
Dragon or him/Mr.
Have you previously held office in SGA and if so, what was your previous position?
Why are you running for this position?
Because I like to help others.
Why do you think you’re fit for this position?
I’ll answer that later.
What are your goals for this position?
Any final comment for the UCCS community or thoughts on the election?
Just do it.
For more information on the UCCS SGA candidates, visit the SGA website. Voting information will be made available to students via email.