Senator-at-Large Aiyanna Quinones is working with other senators and UCCS’ Sisterhood Club to host a clothing swap event called ClydeCon.
This six-hour long event featuring Clyde’s Student Needs Closet will let students donate clothing and swap it out for other pieces of clothing. Arts and crafts hosted by the Spectrum Club, along with catering, will also be available.
Quinones, who runs Clyde’s Student Needs Closet with Senator-at-Large Isabella Polombo, thinks this event will foster a sense of community among students.
“With this event, we hope to continue to build a community on campus with fun and unique events. For Clyde’s Student Needs Closet, ClydeCon is a fun way to easily thrift on campus and to accept donations to keep our rotation fun and fresh for students,” Quinones wrote via email.
Senator-at-Large Maddie Tyson and Senator of the Arts Chloe Rosenkrantz have passed multiple bills to provide funding for the event along with the arts and crafts, catering and storage for the event.
“The availability of clothing for students in need is essential to maintaining a safe campus and is a sustainable method of providing for student needs,” Tyson wrote in bill SB-19, the bill that funded ClydeCon.
At the senate meeting where she presented the catering bill, Rosenkrantz shared what ClydeCon’s atmosphere will be like.
“It keeps people engaged and wanting to spend time at the event. There will be tables so you can hang out, eat food and enjoy the company,” Rosenkrantz said.
The senators ask that students looking to donate clothing bring clean clothes in good condition. Donations should not be stained or unintentionally ripped. They also will not accept undergarments, socks or non-clothing items.
Catering will provide lemonade, cookies, coffee, tea and a mac and cheese bar. Gluten free and vegan options will be available at the event.
Students interested in volunteering for ClydeCon or for the Clyde’s Student Needs Closet can email Quinones at [email protected] or Polombo at [email protected].
ClydeCon will be held in Kettle Creek from 2-8 p.m. on April 19.
ClydeCon clothing swap run by SGA and Sisterhood Club will take place in Kettle Creek on April 19. Photo of Roaring Fork by Taylor Villalpando.