Club funding comes from a committee within SGA called the Budget Advisory Committee, which gave over $151,000 to clubs during the 2023-24 school year.
According to the minutes from BAC, located on SGA’s MLC page, the committee funded 67 clubs, averaging $2,260 per club.
Clubs request funds from BAC, and the funds are either approved, declined or adjusted. Each school year, a club cannot be given more than $4,000, excluding an additional budget set aside for Roar Daze.
SGA spent $14,890 on Roar Daze across six clubs.
Including the Roar Daze Budget and the regular year, the club that received the most money ($6,042) was the African Student Association. Not including the Roar Daze budget, the clubs that received the most was a tie of $4,000 between the Beth-El Student Nurse Association, Club Hockey Club Tennis and the Climbing Club.
The costliest reasons clubs requested money were travel, conferences, event expenses and food and beverages. Travel for clubs tended to be the most expensive.
BAC Club Funding Totals – Fall 2023 – Spring 2024
Photo via Scribe Archives.