Student fees: what they are and what students get from them

6 November 2018

Cambrea Hall

[email protected]

    College is expensive. A struggling college student should be aware of what their student fees are, what they pay for, what they can do with them and what discounts the fees give them. UCCS has online resources available that detail the fees students pay.

    While program fees are individually charged to students depending on their choice of program enrollment, except for the one-time Matriculation and Student ID fees, UCCS’ general fees are mandatory for all undergraduate students.

    Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Auxiliary Services Carlos Garcia provided the following information on student fees at UCCS:


Matriculation Fee — $25

    This is a one-time fee, non-refundable and mandatory for all new students, including transfer students. The one-time charge covers the establishment of a permanent record at UCCS.

Safety and Transportation Fee — $94 for fall and spring and $47 for summer

    This fee provides enhanced police and shuttle services from far parking lots to the campus. Students get free bus rides on Mountain Metro Transit with presentation of ID.

Learning Technology Fee — $6 per credit hour

    The Learning Technology fee funds the purchase of new computer equipment and software accessible to all students, the maintenance and upgrade of telecommunication equipment used in all current and future learning centers and the development of a broad set of informational communication offerings accessible to all students.

Student Event / Performance Fee – $2.50 for part-time students and $4 for full-time students

    Funds from here support the operation and programs of TheatreWorks such as staffing, operating the program, building sets, technical equipment, hiring actors, etc. Students get free access to all TheaterWorks productions at the Ent Center for the Arts.

Wellness Center Fee – $60 for fall and spring and $30 for summer

    This fee provides support for the operations and programs of the Student Health Center such as staffing, operating the health clinic, paying utilities, custodial and maintenance of the clinic as well as pay for the bond debt on its portion of the building. Students get a substantial discounted rate to access to the medical staff of the clinic, free access to educational and health promotions programs sponsored by the Student Health Center.

Student Information System – $2 per credit hour

    Used by the university to provide better service to students using technology for maintaining student records, course scheduling, data management, transcripts, financial aid, student accounts, registration, academic advising, etc.

University Center Bond Fee – $33 for fall and spring and $16.50 for summer, plus $9.50 per credit hour

    This fee helps run the University Center and the Office of Student Life. Students get at no additional charge the use of the UC building and its meeting rooms, access to educational and leisure programs sponsored by the UC or Office of Student Life.  Mountain Lion Connect is also supported by these student fees.

Student Activities Fee – $14 for fall and spring and $7 for summer

    Provides support for the operations of the student government of UCCS. Students get experiential learning about how governments work as well as have the opportunity to give back to their community through civic service.  Student clubs also receive funding to operate their student clubs.

Student Recreation Fee – $1 per credit hour

    The Gallogly Recreation Center uses this for recreation programs, activities, and campus fitness center. Students get at no additional charge the use of recreational facilities, access to educational, leisure and exercise programs sponsored by the Campus Recreation. Some programs require a small fee to participate but those fees are substantially reduced because of the student fee.

Athletics Fee – $9.20 per credit hour

    Provides support for eight women’s and six men’s intercollegiate sports programs. Students get free access to all UCCS sporting events as well as the opportunity to participate in Division II athletics.

Family Development Center Operating Fee – $3 for fall and spring and $1.50 for summer

    Provides support for the operations and programs of the child care center such as staffing, operating the center, paying utilities, custodial and maintenance of the building. Students get a substantially discounted rate to use the child care center.

Green Action Fund Fee –  $5 for fall and spring and $2.50 for summer

    Provides support for sustainability initiatives throughout the campus. Students get experiential learning from these programs and activities as well as make the campus a more sustainable environment for all. Students can apply for grants from the Green Action Fund.

Media Fee – $0.53 per credit hour

    Provides support for the operating of the student newspaper, The Scribe, and UCCS Radio Station. Students get experiential learning about how the press works and how radio media works as well as provide free news and entertainment services to students.

     Since students at UCCS already pay for many of the services available to them, they should take advantage of them whenever possible.

    A detailed description of all program, general and service fees are available at the on the UCCS Bursar website.