Zee O’Donnell and Joseph Impellitteri were hired as co-editor-in-chiefs of the UCCS Scribe this semester. As a reminder to the UCCS community about our foundational ethics, the co-editor-in-chiefs have worked with the rest of the editorial team to explain our guiding principles.
Since 1966, the UCCS Scribe has served the UCCS community. Under the new presidential administration, we remain committed to the same mission we have had since our establishment. As a media organization by students for students, we hold a responsibility to cover news that impacts our student body.
Over the next four years, we will fulfill the role we always have: holding other organizations on campus and in the CU system accountable. In turn, other campus organizations and the student body have equal right to hold us accountable.
The Scribe adheres to the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics. We follow four main principles:
- Seek truth and report it
- Minimize harm
- Act independently
- Be accountable and transparent
Seek Truth and Report It
The Scribe remains committed to seeking out untold stories on campus. As the only news organization committed to reporting on current affairs at UCCS, we hold a responsibility to our constituents to release accurate and up-to-date information. We carry on a legacy of diligent and vigilant reporting.
Minimize Harm
The Scribe holds a responsibility to minimize harm when reporting. This includes keeping sources anonymous when appropriate, listening to the voices of our community and weighing whether more harm will be done than good due to our coverage.
If something is called to our attention that we believe requires further review, the editorial board will review the piece and determine if it needs to be edited or removed. This will be followed by further discussion on what the most ethical course of action is moving forward.
As a student newspaper, we also hold a responsibility to consider the safety and well-being of our staff members who are still learning and growing as journalists.
Act Independently
As an organization, we promote the prevention of conflict of interest in order to maintain journalistic integrity. Employees of the Scribe are required to record any conflicts of interest they may have as well as refuse gifts, favors and/or special treatment. To preserve our credibility, we must report factually and without bias.
Due to the nature of journalism, the Scribe has the responsibility of properly representing the truth. We must properly represent the truth, even when it may dismay some readers, for it is the students’ right to have that information accessible to them. Requests to take down content may not always be fulfilled but will be evaluated.
Be Accountable and Transparent
The campus community, primarily students, are encouraged to hold our organization accountable. We want to be in tune with the best interests and wellbeing of the populations we serve.
The best way to reach the Scribe is to email us at [email protected]. We are committed to reading feedback and taking it into consideration for future projects.
If you feel strongly about a topic, you can submit a Letter to the Editor through the Scribe email. A Letter to the Editor is a reader’s reaction to a newsworthy event/issue on campus or an event/issue that affects the campus community. Letters intended for publication must not exceed 400 words and must be legible, journalistic in style, well-researched and must include the writer’s name and email address.
The Scribe reserves the right to reject Letters to the Editor that are libelous, obscene or untruthful in nature, as well as the right to edit as necessary due to space limitations, grammatical concerns and AP style guideline errors. Letters to the Editor do not reflect the opinions of the Scribe Staff or UCCS.
The Role of Our Sections:
- News: News focuses on current events that affect a majority of students on campus. Coverage focuses on funding, administration, campus departments, major updates and other relevant topics.
- Features: The Features section covers topics that are relevant to specific groups of students on campus. This includes club spotlights, most event coverage and reviews.
- Sports: Sports is focused on the achievements of our student athletes and includes game coverage, athlete spotlights and season previews.
- Opinion: This section provides staff members with a space to share their opinions on current events and campus affairs. Columns posted in this section does not represent the views or opinions of The Scribe as a whole. Occasionally you will see an editorial – an opinion that does not contain a single byline. Editorials represent the view of the organization.
- Life on the Bluffs: LotB is home to everything that doesn’t fit in another section. Typical articles in this section include playlists, our crossword and satire. Satire plays a role in our coverage as it is meant to provide commentary on campus or real-world events in a more lighthearted way, often employing allusions, irony and exaggerations.
Graphic via The Scribe archives.