The Scribe’s snowmen: the academic review  

Everyone loves a snowy day, especially snowmen, as it’s the only time they can be alive. The two snow days provided us with ample opportunity to birth some manmade men and wish them the best before they collapse into piles of water and leave no greater impact on the world than a damp patch of grass.  

The Scribe staff, creative bunch as we are, have included some of our snowmen here for judgment. I would worry about how they react to my ratings, but I don’t answer to puddles.  

1. Sy’s affectionate child  

Cute! Arms lifted up for a hug. Too bad a snowman hug only results in a wet sweater and a broken dream. 7/10. Snowman by Syanna Santiago-Smith.

2. Lily’s angelic little guy

Looks like he’s receiving a prophetic message. He doesn’t have arms, though, and he seems somewhat indifferent to the message. 5/10. Snowman by Lillian Davis.

3. Zee’s absolutely stellar take on this prompt


This is what a snowman ought to be. We got accessories. We got eyes and a nose (mouth optional). We got the classic stack of three big snowballs. Really well done. 10/10. Snowman by Zee O’Donnell’s sister.

4. Grace’s snowy forest wizard  

As loyal readers know, I’m a sucker for leaves. Looks like he’s about to do some magic. 8/10. Snowman by Grace Brajkovich.

5. Grace’s tall … whatever’s going on here


Thanks for the second submission, Grace. Unfortunately, I like your other one a lot more. I fear I don’t really enjoy looking at this. Tall though. 3/10. Snow thing by Grace Brajkovich. 

6. My submission for the sole purpose of not being a hypocrite


I 100% asked everyone on staff for snowman pictures and then didn’t do one myself and then the snow melted, so here ya go. 11/10 – I don’t make the rules. Blanket sculpture by me.    

Graphic by Neako Hallisey.