UCCS social media accounts imitated, policies exist

Oct. 26, 2015

Abbie Stillman
[email protected]

UCCS social media accounts are monitored closely, but some imitations do exist.

While UCCS utilizes social media to communicate with students, there are some accounts that are mistakenly associated with official UCCS accounts.

A Snapchat account, “snap.uccs” was offering risqué material to viewers.

Tom Hutton, executive director of University Communications and Media Relations said the university does not currently utilize Snapchat, Yik Yak or Instagram.

Hutton encourages students to look for the school logo before assuming a social media account is affiliated with UCCS.

“We make sure they are using the UCCS logo and if they are not authorized to do so, we will contact them and request that they stop.”

Hutton said Facebook and Twitter are the main ways UCCS looks to inform students and receive feedback.

“We want to set up two way communications for our students. The campus police are on the social media to keep students updated on the weather on campus for possible cancellations.”

Various UCCS programs such as financial aid, sports programs, UCCS PD and other programs associated with the university are mostly on Facebook or Twitter.

Twitter is a popular place for the university programs to post upcoming events for students. Posts will sometimes include things to be aware of on campus so students are not thrown off. One example includes UCCS posting a picture of a SWAT truck parked on campus while police where here for a talk with students.

Nursing major Rachel Birnstiehl was unaware that the university even had social media pages. She does have a Facebook and Twitter account.

“Had I known there was a Facebook page, I’m sure I would have used it,” says Birnstiehl.

“I am aware that UCCS has a Facebook page. I do use it sometimes. I would use it more if there were notifications of events occurring for different programs,” said psychology major Ashley O’Brien.

O’Brien said she does not have a Twitter account.

Hutton explained there is a three step process for creating a social media site that is associated with UCCS. These steps consist of attending the required training, downloading and filling out a UCCS social media application, and submitting the paperwork to the social media and communication specialist.

Social media can be dangerous at times; Hutton advised that students should be careful with it. He urged students to be smart and not post questionable content as future employers look at that.

For more information on UCCS’ social media policies, visit: www.uccs.edu/socialmedia/social-mediapolicy.html.