Voting guide: What to know about the April 4 election 

The upcoming Colorado Springs election is on April 4. Voters will select a new mayor, choose one City Council member for District 3 and three at-large members and vote on whether to continue the Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOPS) tax for another 20 years.  

Ballots were mailed out on March 10 to registered active voters. Voters have until March 28 to mail in their ballots or until 7 p.m. on April 4 to drop them off. There are 26 ballot drop-off locations, including one at UCCS in front of the entrance to the University Center. 

Those who want to vote in the upcoming election must be registered to vote in the state of Colorado and reside in the city of Colorado Springs.  

Students who are registered to vote in another city or state cannot vote in the Colorado Springs election unless they update their information. Students can register to vote or update their information by visiting the Colorado Secretary of State’s website

This year’s ballot includes an open seat for mayor for the first time in eight years, with 12 candidates running for the position. 

According to the Colorado Springs website, “One candidate in the mayoral race must receive more than 50% of the vote to win the election on April 4.” If no candidate receives the necessary number of votes, there will be a runoff election between the two candidates with the most votes on May 16.  

A voter guide published by the Gazette stated, “Voters will also decide whether to extend the Trails, Open Space and Parks (TOPS) tax for another 20 years.” The current 0.1% sales tax would not increase as a result of this extension and would go toward preserving public spaces.  

According to the Colorado Springs website, unofficial results of the election will be posted on April 4 starting at 7:30 p.m. The results will be updated as ballots are counted. Voters can also view results on “the city’s cable television station on Channel 18, local television stations, as well as local media websites.” 

For more information on the election and candidates, students can visit the city’s webpage on voter info or contact the City Clerk’s Office at 719-385-5901. 

Ballot drop box located outside of the University Center. Photo by Meghan Germain.