Campus Chatter

May 11, 2015
50 Year Issue

DeKeveion Glaspie
[email protected]

Where do you see UCCS in the next 50 years and how do you believe the university will affect your future?

Kayla Gronseth, junior, communication

I see UCCS getting stronger, lots of improvement to the school that will better the student’s experience. The university will affect my future life by me getting a degree [and] benefitting my future knowledge.”

Carole Huber, professor, geography and environmental studies

I see the school getting a lot bigger and a growth in students in classrooms. Whether it will be good or bad I don’t know, but I worry for the student-faculty relationships. However, there is a push for online classes.”

Anthony Cordova, staff, director of MOSAIC

No doubt UCCS will grow and become a great quality institution. It has a great foundation and dedicated faculty and staff. I see UCCS in 50 years as still a part of my life.”