Top 50 Things I love about UCCS

May 11, 2015
50 Year Issue

Alexander Nedd
[email protected]

2. The Rec Center
3. Clyde
4. YikYak of UCCS
5. The basketball teams
6. Small class sizes (for the most part)
7. One-on-one time with professors
8. Free laundry
9. Clyde’s
10. Diversity of clubs
11. The distance it is from Chipotle
12. Jimmy John’s at basketball games
13. School spirit
14. Mountain Lion Confessions
15. The engineering building
16. Asian Pacific Islander Student Union events
17. The Random Acts of Kindness club
18. The feeling you get when you find the perfect parking spot
19. Free shirts at EVERY event
20. Kimberly Holcomb’s Peep Show class (Take It)
21. Alpine Field
22. Graduate school
23. Easy access to the city bus
24. Fun and interesting people
25. Amazing student plays
26. Puppies on campus during dead week
27. Diversity of language classes
28. Military supporting environment
29. Galleries of Contemporary Art exhibits
30. Yearly concerts
31. Coffee shops
32. UCCS One Card
33. The beautiful snow
34. UCCS Radio
35. The Undie Run
36. Taco Tuesday at The Lodge
37. Academic advisors
38. Excursions
39. Beautiful people
40. Dances
41. Greek Week
42. Quidditch
43. Great Resident Assistants
44. Awesome Halloween parties
45. The randomness in the dorms
46. Funny class debates that are completely off topic
47. Student talent
48. Tailgate parties
49. Friendly neighbors (even if they are loud)
50. Spectacular views