Cosmic weather forecast: 2021 Libra season

Cosmic Cannibal 

[email protected] 

Virgo season has gotten us all super organized — our schedules are updated, our rooms are spick-and-span — but it’s time to wave adios to the zodiac sign’s perfectionism and welcome in the pleasure-and-balance-loving vibes of Libra season. 

     Libra season, which runs Sept. 22 through Oct. 23, is a season of balance. During this time of year, we have a chance to harmonize our dual desires. Our urge to hang out with friends and family is strong, but other responsibilities also need our attention. When the Sun is in Libra, it aims to teach us that if we’re gonna have dessert, we’d better eat our veggies first (or last — whichever).  

     This season also marks the beginning of autumn. The Spring Equinox takes place on Sept. 22, which signifies a change in our outer environments. Day and night are even, and so is the weather. Unfortunately, the planets aren’t following this unspoken code of Libra evenness.  

     Here’s your full coverage forecast for 2021 Libra Season. 

     Starting Sept. 27, Mercury, the planet of communication turns retrograde in Libra. For about three weeks, you can expect a fair share of miscommunications and upended plans. We’re apt to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, get due dates mixed up or just forget things altogether.  Double check that your texts, emails and essays aren’t full of misspellings or aren’t being sent to the wrong person.  

     Also, make sure you don’t buy any new laptops, phones or watches. During Mercury retrograde, technology is more fickle than usual, and any purchase you make is likely to be inadequate in some way. Mercury turns direct on Oct. 18, but until that time, it’s wise to review, revise and reconsider everything before agreeing, submitting or buying.  

     The Libra New Moon on Oct. 6 promises to be an energetic one. Mars, the planet of action and energy, is making an exact conjunction to the Sun and Moon. This gives us the incentive to set meaningful intentions, especially in our love lives. Pluto, the planet of renewal, also turns direct in stable, structure-loving Capricorn this day, which helps us stick to any New Moon goals.  

     On Oct. 7, Venus, the planet of love and values, enters spirited Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius is a fun transit, especially for fellow fire signs, Aries and Leo. Love feels free and expressive, and many of us will seek new, exciting and spontaneous ways of connecting with others. The caveat? Our affections are as fervent as they are fitful. Any new crush feels like the single most important crush, until another hottie catches our eye…  

     By Oct. 10, Saturn, the planet of limits and restriction, turns direct in forward-thinking Aquarius. This is great for those seeking to build on their hopes, wishes and dreams. Don’t yet have any hopes, wishes or dreams? Saturn direct will definitely change that.  

     Oct. 18 is a double whammy of direct transits: Mercury turns direct in Libra and Jupiter turns direct in air sign Aquarius. The lesson of this transit is to embrace our eccentricities and explore what freedom means for us on both a micro and macro scale.   

     Rounding out Libra season is the Aries Full Moon on Oct. 20. This lunation sees Mars and Pluto butting heads with each other and the Moon. Jupiter is making a close connection to Mars, which will exaggerate any feelings of imbalance, insecurity or emotional tension brought on by Mars, Pluto and the Moon. Physical activities will help release any stuck feelings.  

     While some of these transits may challenge us in ways that make us uncomfortable, we must cooperate with what is laid out for us on the cosmic weather map and balance our discomfort with charm and grace. After all, Libra is nothing if not charming and graceful.