I pitched and assigned this article to myself about two weeks ago, at a time when the sun was out and the amount of ice and snow was fairly moderate. I figured it would be fun to try and spot icy puddles here and there. However, Colorado can never be relied upon for weather consistency.
Since I told myself I had to write this, there have been multiple other heavy snowfalls. Now the piles have become giant fortresses of forbidding ice that cement me into the driveway right when I need to leave the house. I’m going to rate the following images based on how hard it would be for my little car to drive in them.
1. Fine. No black ice, just road. 9/10.

2. This is going to require me to crawl out of the driveway, but if I gain traction, it should be okay. 5/10.

3. Pretty! And I think I took it from inside a car, so clear evidence of my mom driving. 10/10.

4. This is in London where the weather is perfect and the snow does not make it difficult to drive, as there is none. There is only wonderful rain and clouds and green grass, and I miss it every day. Airplane probably makes it hard to drive, though. 25/10.

5. Tube! You can’t drive here, there’s all these trains. 0/10.