Kraemer Family Library is developing renovation plans

27 November 2018

Camissa Miller

[email protected]

The Kraemer Family Library is currently gathering information to use in proposals to renovate its office space and to rework technology and study space on the first floor.

Martin Garnar, the dean of the Kraemer Family Library, said the project is necessary.

“With the growth of UCCS, we have added a few staff positions in recent years, and we are out of office space for our librarians,” Garnar said via email. “Since full-time librarians work year-round and spend at least 40 hours a week in the library, having individual offices is important for their productivity.”

Garnar’s goal is to find an option that won’t affect the public space while using input from the staff themselves.

“We get the best results when everyone is able to share their ideas,” he said.

However, the plan is not yet under construction, and the official quotes for development have not been established.

“There are always more worthy initiatives being considered by the university than the amount of money needed to fund them, so it’s a matter of making the case that these projects are important to the mission of the university and the community we serve,” said Garnar. According to Garner the library may not get the money it needs regardless of the necessity.

However, the office renovation is not the only project being taken into consideration for the Kraemer Family Library. There is a proposal to incorporate new furniture and technology to enhance one of the study spaces on the main floor. There is also a proposal to update the technology in the group study rooms — as requested in the numerous library student advisory meetings during the past year.

Garnar believes such a project will likely be completed before any changes to the office space take place.