January 24, 2017
Anne Stewart
Whether it’s in the classroom or on-the-job training, the College of Business is offering to teach UCCS students, faculty and staff how to work with people of all ages in their careers.
The College of Business and the Better Business Bureau of Southern Colorado (BBB) will host Leading the Multi-Generational Workforce, a four-part professional development series, every Thursday Jan. 26 through April 13.
Series one, Motivating and Retaining a Millennial Workforce, will take place Jan. 26- Feb.16 at Catalyst Campus from 8:30-10:30 a.m. every Thursday. This series includes four sessions.
The sessions are designed to educate and provide opportunities for attendees to participate and ask questions. Panelists on the last three series will also share their real-life perspectives.
The college has partnered with BBB on different projects in the past, but this is the first educational program, according to Shawna Rogers, director of the Office of Professional and Executive Development.
The series was developed and based on employees who work with four or five different generations, according to Rogers.
The series will respond to questions submitted by employers and businesses in the community.
Concerns voiced by businesses were not only about retaining employees, but also keeping the upcoming talent in Colorado Springs, according to Rogers.
Students and recent graduates raised concerns on how to work well with each other within these organizations.
“I don’t think there has been a lot of communication and understanding about where each side is coming from with how we work effectively together,” said Rogers.
“We wanted people to have an understanding of where people are coming from, understanding how the different generations grew up, how they were brought up, the experiences that they had and why that is shaping their perspective on work and everyday life as it is now.”
Each series includes a different number of sessions. The cost of the program goes to the funding of the program or any future programs, said Rogers.
The remaining three series include Marketing to Millennial Customers, Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce and Surviving and Thriving in Your Workplace Environment, which will all be hosted by Scott Van Ness, instructor of Operations Management at UCCS.
According to Rogers, the first three series are targeted toward employers and business owners, while the fourth series is targeted to employees. This does not mean that there are any restrictions as to who can register and attend each series, said Rogers.
Rogers added that the fourth session will lead a discussion through the question, “How do I work better with my employer so that we have a good balance?”
The program has multiple series that people can choose from, depending on what interests them or is relevant. Each series is open to anyone who is interested in attending, whether they attend UCCS, teach or are community members.
Registration costs $200 for the four, two-hour sessions within one series. The cost of each session is different based off of the number of days included.
Students, faculty, staff and alumni are offered a 10 percent discount.
To register for the series, visit uccs.edu/ business/OPED, or email [email protected].