Take notes before class. Watch all these lecture videos before next time. Start looking at these example problems so we can go over them in class. Why do we have to do all the prep work before class?
I pay to learn and be lectured in class, not teach the material to myself, go to class and only focus on additional work problems. I understand that students don’t have the same learning style; however, professors should accommodate for each method of learning.
I must be lectured on the topic and walked through the scenarios or how to solve the problems so I can grasp the concepts I need to master: That is my learning style. If I am expected to learn everything myself before I go to class, then what is the point in going to class?
With COVID-19, many classes have switched to being completely online. This transition also pushes students in the direction of changing their learning style in order to gain knowledge on each concept because we have to teach ourselves everything.
It’s harder to stay focused and learn everything with an online class. It is even harder when we are forced to spend more time in these classes because we are teaching ourselves. It also makes no sense that you pay the same for in-person class as you do an online course.
If my in-person classes operate with the intention of coming to class with all materials learned, I struggle to imagine what other online courses look like in that same sense. The few online classes I’ve had to take were a balanced ratio of learning from the professor and self-teaching. Imagine how a student with a complete online schedule learns.
With some of my classes being three hours long, there should be an equal ratio of lecture time and reviewing practice problems. At least a couple of online classes I’ve taken in the past posted lecture videos for us to view and I could take away key points from them.
Each class needs a warning label before you enroll that tells you how the professor sets up their classes. I am signing up for the professor to teach me the lessons and review problems with me. I do not want to take a course where the professor expects me to learn the material and then go to class and show the professor what I taught myself.
The College of Business has challenging courses all students are required to take. With averaging five classes a semester, I don’t have time to learn all concepts from one chapter in a week and memorize all the materials by myself. I shouldn’t be expected to teach myself either.
School doesn’t come easy to me, and it feels like professors think that because we made it to college, all students must be very smart and can teach themselves. That’s not how it works. I came to college to get an education. I pay the school tuition to have professors teach me. I might as well pay money for online courses on each subject if I have to teach myself.