Photospread: the hometown experience

Lexi Petri and Megan Moen

[email protected], [email protected]

Beginning last year, many students have been taking classes remotely. The Scribe staff is no different. Two of The Scribe’s photographers, Lexi Petri and Megan Moen, both work and study from the comfort of their hometowns. They shared with The Scribe what it is like being fully-remote college students:

Lexi Petri Buena Vista

I have lived in Buena Vista, Colorado for nine years and I love everything about this town. Rafting, hiking and the small, close community are the best features of living here. Living in Buena Vista has allowed me access to the best places to take photos with my friends and family. I enjoy going to the court at the river park with friends to play basketball or go on a hike. I love being a part of this community.

Remote classes have made being a part of the UCCS community tougher and this is why I am back home for this semester. It is definitely a struggle to only learn remotely but I can’t wait to move back to in-person next semester.  

Megan Moen Castle Rock

My hometown, Castle Rock is most known for rock park, a short and fun hiking trail up to a giant rock. Most locals and visitors alike have summited the rock. Over the summers of living in Castle Rock, it became a ritual for us to hike the summit at night. The rock is actually more busy at 10 p.m. than any time in the day from teenagers looking for a night thrill. The view from the top of the rock is worth the hike as well. It is the best spot in town to catch the sunsets and sunrises, and it gives a perfect view of downtown Castle Rock. 

Living at home for online school has given me an opportunity to appreciate my hometown again knowing that I will soon be leaving it again for the next school year. Especially with COVID, I have been able to immerse myself in what nature has to offer. I love hiking this small but fun trail and seeing the sights of Castle Rock.