It’s that time of year again — main semester classes are back in session, and everyone has an opportunity to look back over their summer. Of course, this summer boasted “Barbie,” a pink-coated movie that will be ingrained in popular culture forever.
Having worked over 200 jobs according to The Washington Post, Barbie can be a role model for anyone. In this Staff Picks, the Scribe staff share the Barbies that represent them the best, whether from the movie or from their imaginations.
Paul Czarnecki | Editor in Chief
Boss Barbie. I took the Buzzfeed quiz.
Raven Sanchez | Managing Editor
I think I would be Stereotypical Barbie! I noticed in the movie that Stereotypical Barbie gets to do and try everything in Barbieland, and I remember buying all kinds of occupation outfits for my Stereotypical Barbies as a kid. I feel like I try and get interested in new things all the time. She was also nice to everyone in the movie and fashionable too. I always make an effort to be both of those things.
Ellie Myers | Associate Editor
Introducing… A Star is Born Barbie! Pull the string on her back and she’ll sing! Or don’t pull the string, and she’ll sing anyway! Especially when you’re trying to sleep!
Luke Swift | Features Editor
I would probably be Lawyer Barbie if we’re talking strictly professions. But I think my personality is more like Stereotypical Barbie. I try to be supportive of my friends and family, and I like to joke around a lot. I took a quiz the other day and apparently I’m most like the Stereotypical Barbie, haha.
Kate Marlett | Copy Editor
I know I’m an editor, and being an editor is my intended career path, but I think I would be either Kia Soul Barbie or Random American Revolution Facts Barbie. The first, obviously, because I love my Kia Soul. I imagine that Barbie would be a professional Kia Soul driver who wears nothing but Kia merch. The latter, because the late 1700s is my favorite period of history to study, and I know too many facts about the American Revolution and the people who participated in it. Did you know the French marquis de Lafayette fought for America for free because he loved the cause so much? Well, now you do.
Lexi Petri | Design Editor
Definitely Business Barbie. Not only am I a business student, but I mean business with my actions.
Olivia Nordyke | Reporter
My favorite Barbie when I was younger was a re-release of Teenage Fashion Barbie, who was the original Barbie. But I think the pink Magic Earring Barbie represents me best. 🙂
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