Suicide is never an option, remember you are needed

Sept. 14, 2015

Megan Lunsford
[email protected]

In July, 17-year-old Conrad Roy III was found dead in his truck in a Kmart parking lot. He committed suicide, but further investigation determined there was more to it than that.

Police soon arrested his 18-year-old girlfriend Michelle Carter, who was charged with involuntary manslaughter. Text messages between the two revealed Carter talked her boyfriend into killing himself.

Life is precious. Taking your life is one of the most devastating things you could do.

A social media campaign features celebrities and other individuals holding a sign stating “Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse, suicide eliminates the possibility of it getting better.”

Conrad, clearly a depressed and troubled teenager, was reaching out for help from his girlfriend. Instead of being supportive and giving her boyfriend reasons to live, Carter encouraged his suicide and talked Conrad back into killing himself when he was having reasonable doubts about following through with it.

There was no selflessness, pity, love or empathy seen from Carter toward her boyfriend that she “loved so much.”

His body was found the next morning after his parents reported their son missing. Since Conrad’s death, the hashtags #ConradsLaw and #JusticeforConrad have been floating around social media. This is a step in the right direction.

The concept behind Conrad’s law solidifies the idea that every life is precious and if you’re aware that someone is depressed, suicidal or in danger of harming themselves, you are responsible for helping that individual or sending them somewhere where they can receive the help that they need.

It’s sad this is not in our human nature to assist a fellow human in need. Assisted suicide should no longer be a thing.

A study conducted in 2013 by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention tells that “41,149 suicides were reported, making suicide the 10th leading cause of death for Americans. That means someone in this country died by suicide every 12.8 minutes.”

This has to change.

We, as citizens and people that coexist in the universe, need to open our blind eyes to the dysfunction around us. Suicide is never the answer.

Like the ad campaign, suicide ends the possibility of life ever getting better. I always try to keep the motto, “This too shall pass,” in the back of my head. No matter how bad things may seem, it’s important to remember that these things are temporary.

Tomorrow is a new day. Remember that thereare people out there who care about you. If you’re depressed and thinking about ending your life, this is your sign not to. You are loved. You are needed. Your life is important and you have so much more to do.

UCCS has many resources available for students. Help is always a call away at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Call any time at 1 (800) 273-8255 or visit

Life is hard, it’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do. It might not get easier for a while, but remember that this will pass, and you’ll be happy tomorrow that you didn’t take your life today.

Suicide Prevention Resources

Suicide Prevention Partnership of the Pikes Peak Region:
704 N. Tejon St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

UCCS Counseling Center:
324 Main Hall, 719-255-3265 or in person
Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Crisis after normal business hours, please contact UCCS Public Safety: 719-255-3111

Or contact the Aspen Pointe Mental Health Crisis Line at: 719-635-7000