William Pham, Reporter: Math and Philosophy Double Major
I am going to take some time off from school after graduation. Although I would like to go to graduate school, I want a bit of a break. Currently working as a freelance writer, writing for an online website, and hope to continue this job after I graduate from college.
I joined The Scribe two years ago, when I was a sophomore. I didn’t know what to expect but I knew I enjoyed writing. It was not an easy journey, being that I didn’t really have a background in literature, creative writing, or journalism. But I’ve progressed and developed along the way, learning from various editors and getting experience through my articles. While some of my articles were more for fun, I enjoyed interacting with students, faculty, and staff on campus, highlighting issues that were important and relevant to the UCCS community.
Upperclassmen: If you haven’t already, find what you love or what you love doing and become the best at it. Don’t pursue a life path or a job just because someone wants you to or because you want to make a lot of money. If you don’t find what you love, then you won’t have the drive and motivation to keep yourself hooked. You then realize that your “blank degree,” which was meant to be completed in 4 years, will turn into a 6-year degree and then an 8-year degree … then possibly a life degree. It will become an unending void. Don’t do that to yourself; save yourself the time and headspace by doing something you enjoy doing … and a job will eventually emerge.
Scribe Members: Sometimes it may seem as though you are writing to your editor or a specific group/person at UCCS, but you aren’t. You are doing real journalism and your articles can be read by everyone online. You can project your voice and message to so many people. Whenever you feel tired or drained because of this job, just remember that you get to publish real stories that real people can read. You are one google search away … and that’s awesome. Don’t forget the gravity of your job (in a good way).
Brandon Flanery, Culture Editor: English Major with a Secondary Education Emphasis
After graduation, I’m planning on moving to Korea. I’ll be teaching English in Seoul for at least a year. After that, I would love to get a master’s in either social justice journalism or some type of mental health area. I still haven’t decided. Hopefully I’ll figure that out in Korea, but what I do know is that I will not be teaching English in the U.S. It’s truly a thankless job, and I think teachers are worth more than how we treat them.
Moving on from UCCS, I reflect over my years here (more than I anticipated), and I wish I took more advantage of my time here. I was a transfer student, just hoping to finish my bachelor’s degree as quickly as possible, especially since I started at UCCS at the age of 25. But you only get this time once, and UCCS genuinely has some amazing opportunities — from a rec center to a beautiful center for the arts, from willing and brilliant professors to fantastic students, from campus life activities to meaningful jobs … jobs like The Scribe.
I have loved my time at The Scribe. It has truly grown me as a writer and a human. Because of my time here, I truly hope I can find a job in journalism in some way shape or form. Journalism is such a powerful tool — it doesn’t just reflect society, it challenges and shapes it, and I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of that reflection and transformation as a reporter and culture editor.
The Scribe has given me the space and freedom and support to try and succeed, attempt and fail, learn and grow. I love The Scribe and the amazing team I’ve worked with for the past year and a half. My only regret is that I didn’t start working for The Scribe sooner and that I couldn’t give more in my final year of school due to student teaching.
I truly love this team, every one of them. Y’all are so talented and adaptable and resilient. You created something beautiful this year in spite of COVID-19. You took something that was debilitating the rest of the world, and you used it as a chance to start over and make something new, something better. I’m proud to have worked with each and every one of you and I’m proud to call you more than coworkers — I’m proud to call you friends.
Never hesitate to reach out. I would love to support you in any way possible as each of you have supported me in such simple and profound ways.
Joy Webb, Co Editor-in-Chief: English and Philosophy Double Major
After 4 years at UCCS and 4 years working as an editor at The Scribe, I will graduate this May with two bachelor’s degrees in English with an emphasis in rhetoric and writing and philosophy.
Working at The Scribe has been one of the best parts of my college experience. I made life-long friends, learned so much about myself and others and was able to express myself through my passion of writing and journalism. I would like to thank Laura Eurich, the advisor for The Scribe, for always believing in me and helping me grow. I would also like to thank Hannah Harvey, the previous EIC, for hiring me and teaching me. A special thanks to Camie and Annika, the current EICs for always being there for me and for being lovely to work with.
Everyone at The Scribe is so special, and I will always cherish the time I spent with these individuals, the larger UCCS campus community and everyone that I got to interview, interact with and write about. The Scribe gave me a community where I felt like I belonged and was appreciated. I can’t help but feel that my freshmen year self would be proud of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve grown in this organization
After graduation, I will be teaching English in Europe as soon as COVID-19 restrictions ease-up, and I hope to travel and see new parts of the world and experience new cultures.
After taking time off from academia to travel, I want to pursue a master’s and Ph.D. in Ancient Greek Philosophy in hopes of becoming a professor.
I also hope to one day start a non-profit that helps women who have Complex PTSD and be an advocate for survivors of abuse and assault. Ultimately, I just hope to help other people and be happy!