Megan Lunsford | The Scribe
DeKeveion Glaspie
[email protected]
The student run and operated UCCS Theater Company brought “The Circus of Dreams” to the west lawn on campus Sept. 18-21.
Based on the book “The Night Circus” by Eric Morgenstern, “The Circus of Dreams” was directed by America Copeland, senior visual and performing arts major. The cast and crew worked on the live play since April.
“We took all (of Morgenstern’s) ideas and adapted them on to the field, bringing characters to life and bringing them into the world,” Copeland said.
The student actors performed parterre-style, French for “on the ground.” Students walking past could stop by and engage with the performers.
Keeping the performances fresh and new, the scenes and storylines changed each night to entertain students and show off different parts of the story.
Copeland’s favorite part was the wishing tree, where visitors could write wishes on a piece of paper and place them on the tree.
“I love seeing people write their wishes; I think it is so cool to see people take a hold of my show and see them interact and fully enjoy it.”
Another attractive section was where students could write any problems they have on a rock and drop it in the pond.
Molly Garrison, junior visual and performing arts major, played the part of Celia Bowen, the illusionist.
“We are seeing what works and what doesn’t works. Earlier we had a tent, but it kept blowing away,” Garrison said.
“One of the difficult things to do tonight is sticking to our story line and not breaking character. The show is experimental,” she said.
Copeland said shows like this will be all over town and campus.
“A lot of people do not know that we have a theater company or know where it is. The great thing about parterre is that we can take the theater to the people,” she said.
The next parterre show will be in April at a dance company. The performance will be based on Edgar Allan Poe.
Brittany Merritt, junior VAPA major and stage manager for “The Circus of Dreams,” said she was fortunate to be able to see it grow from the beginning into a beautiful and unique performance.
“I loved seeing everyone actually enjoy it. We have been working on this show for so long so seeing it done and seeing it actually happen is very fulfilling,” Merritt said.