MOSAIC hopes to break LGBT stereotypes with OUTober events

Sept. 28, 2015

Rachel Librach
[email protected]

As October approaches, MOSAIC starts to get ready to host the annual OUTober events. The idea of the events is to raise awareness at UCCS.

“The primary goal is creating community for our LGBT student population and even for our allies across campus,” said Jesse Perez, assistant director of MOSAIC.

“We try to do a combination of educational events to raise awareness of LGBT issues, but also it’s important to us to provide fun, light-hearted events as well for our students. That way they get a bit of both.”

Shelby Kindell, MOSAIC office manager, said the events are a key element in expanding knowledge and dialogue between the LGBT community and other students on campus.

“Trying to get students involved and having that conversation about how stereotypes influence our perception of others in a fun, safe and friendly environment is one of the main goals with these events,” she said.

The Office of Student Activities, SPECTRUM, Women’s and Ethnic Studies department, Gender Identities Center of Colorado, the Southern Colorado Aids Project and the Wellness and Counseling Center are all sponsors of OUTober events.

For more information, visit or stop by the MOSAIC office located in University Center room 110.

OUTober Events:
Safe Zone Training
Oct. 1, 6 p.m.
University Center 122

Oct. 7, 7 p.m.
Berger Hall

Ally Appreciation BBQ
Oct. 13, noon
University Center 116A

“At the Center of the Margin:” Trans People of Color Teach-In
Oct. 14, 4 p.m.
Kraemer Family Library – Second Floor Apse

Free HIV/AIDS Testing
Oct. 15-16, 10 a.m.
University Center 122

HIV 101 (hosted by the Southern Colorado AIDS Project)
Oct. 15, 4:30 p.m.
University Center 124

Guess Who’s Gay Panel
Oct. 20, 7 p.m.
University Center 116